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  1. AxelsNyxie

    O.o wow... okay, then...
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. AxelsNyxie


    O.o, wat now? *Is dead*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. AxelsNyxie
    Good idea.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. AxelsNyxie
    Sugar just goes to your butt.........
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. AxelsNyxie

    *blinks* I am confused....... *blinks again*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. AxelsNyxie
    Ive seen my friend play it once..... ((otherwise how the heck could i be SOOO obsessed with Axel??)) but thats it. I laughed at all the mix of characters i saw.... but i have never actually PLAYED it....... But i intend on playing it when i get me birthday money and can afford it....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. AxelsNyxie

    I FOUND ME!! *dances*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. AxelsNyxie
    Banned for once again reminding me of Flava Flav....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. AxelsNyxie
    Out of character: Boy, I missed alot...

    Axel chuckled and shook his head as the girls all went charging up the stairs. Axel gave Nyxie a funny look, and shrugged. Nyxie giggled, and looked up the stairs. Girls will be girls, Axie. i figured youd be used to that by now, since you are always with the girliest femme here. She replied, and smiled at him.

    Axel Nodded. True, true. I should be. I am a little suprised you didnt go running up there yourself.... He told her.
    Nyxie shook her head, and frowned. I would have, but i dont know if i was invited. They never exactly invited me personally, and since we arent really friends and all.... She replied, and sighed. She loved dressing up and hanging out with people, especially if one of those people are Axel..... But she stayed put. She had always known that it was rude to invite yourself, and Nyxie wasnt one to be rude. Unless her jealous nature kicked in, then she was probably the rudest person on the face of the earth. She sighed again, her brown eyes watched as the other people came down the stairs, and were nearly out the door.​
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AxelsNyxie
    KK, imma add Rex. You can have up to three characters, so as long as it doesnt exceed that, go ahead. i have Nyxie and Axel :D
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie didnt ACTUALLY stab Ven XDDD..... she wanted to, but no. ((Hence the OOC))
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AxelsNyxie

    You should be banned cuz I think ur a NERD XDDD
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. AxelsNyxie
    OOC-*Nyxie stabs Ven* AXELS MINE!! *snarls*

    Axel smiled at the greeting, happy to have so many...err....options. He looked over at Ven. Yup. Thats me. Axel. Got it memorized? He replied, and realized he was coming off a little conceited. He kept his cool, though. After all, his conceitedness is what attracted Nyxie to him right?
    Nyxie's fists tightened as she stared at the other fangirl, her jealous nature starting to kick in. But she relaxed as Axel spoke, his reaction made her giggle. He had always been that way... conceited. She grinned. She did that too..​
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. AxelsNyxie

    Okay.... i got it... now i post!!!!

    Axel made his way to the mansion's large living room, his brunette companion on his heels, as always. nyxie looked around at the people who were already in the room. She smiled her cute, girly smile, flashing off her pearly whites. She raised a hand a little bit, waving to the others. Hey, everybody! She greeted, cueing Axel palmface. Axel shook his head. Nyxie was always so ready to greet people. She was too trusting, one of the reasons she was nearly kidnapped that time..... thank god Axel was only a little ways away.... Axel shook his head, Dont think about it now. he told himself, and pushed those thoughts away. He would have to start trusting people, but he would still be cautious.....
    Axel sat down on a sofa in the living room, followed quickly by Nyxie, who perched herself on her companion's lap. Axel looked around, and smiled. So... hows everything going?

    It sucks, but i have a major brain block *kicks block, but it doesnt move* UG!!!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AxelsNyxie
    okay, lemme get this straight......... they are at a house, right? care to describe the house?
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AxelsNyxie

    Okay, but is that it??? I cant exactly bring in my happy couple ((He he.. couple)) without knowing wats going on... i dont wanna look ******ed....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AxelsNyxie
    My post=ignored. DX
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AxelsNyxie
    Can someone tell me wats going on???
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AxelsNyxie
    Yay me!! *claps hands and grins*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AxelsNyxie

    OMFG YAY!!! *DIES*


    Appearance: A skinny, curvy blond with dark brownish, layered hair that has a slight red tint..... Has warm brown eyes.
    Personality: Is a cute, flirtacious girl who likes to flirt with red heads ((A.k.a: Axel)) She has a very sweet disposition, which makes it easy for this girl to get friends. But she has a jelous side that is triggered quite easily, and when this happens, she tends to be a little pain in the butt..... also very emotional, it doesnt take much to make this brunnette cry....
    Interests: Boys, Animals, makeovers, slumber parties, shopping, tanning, swimming ((she likes to show off her swimsuit))and flirting......
    Element:I really dont know the word....
    Weapon: She has no certain weapon, just bunches of bombs and grenades that appear out of no where in her hands and then she can throw them...
    Other: Not really....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home