Edited for content??? But WHY???? I wanted to hear it...... *lays on floor and cries*
DONT CALL ME THAT, YOU BIG FAT MEANIE HEAD!!!! You should be banned for being a big fat meanie head... well, its simple. My nobody name is Nyxie, and Axels Nyxie=A nyxie that belongs to Axel. Its not rocket science, here.....
*dies* okay, i wanna barrel race, since it is my passion, and I jus wanna do it. Ive gotten the go-ahead from my mom, so ya....... Does anyone else here barrel race? I would love to hear of your barrel racing tips/Experiences/ Deals you got/ Any other barrel racing thing...
LOLOLOLOLOLOL...... That commercial scares me......
You should be banned for pointing out Axels flaws!!!
21050 Hey, wait, look up in the sky... its a bird, its a plane..... no its me cuz im fly, im fly, im fly, im fly.....
DONT CALL ME A N00B!!! *smacks you* and you should be banned because you are jus jealous cuz Axel can dance....
*jumps back into room* YOU TOO!!!! you should be banned cuz i dont like your attitude. XDD
UG! you should be banned.... well.... Because I said so!!! *stomps out of room*
*eats Nacho* It tastes good. At least Axel didnt burn the cheese, like LAST TIME... *Axel shrugs and rolls on floor* Wow, Axel.... okay then.... *backs away slowly*
YAY!!!! *grabs Nachos. Axel heats up cheese.* Axel didnt burn the cheese!!! OMFG!!! *dies*
Thank yous..... You should be banned cuz your avvy makes me sad....
Thank you. Can I bring the nachos???
Thank you. Its really entertaining...... *watches in amusement as Axel dances*
Every time I heat milk it blows up... *is sad*
I like vanilla, too
I sorry..... Its okay, i like milk. But sugar in milk is interesting.... *skips to try it*
I know.... so why would you put EVEN MORE Sugar in yer butt????
YAY, NACHOS!!!!!! ((By the way, i like your avatar...))