it's awesome, he totally deserved it.
Hey, Fayt got supermod XD
You're married to moshi?
then you really haven't been looking ^.^ . I'm Cloud.Strife, call me what you may (i prefer Bagel) and read the rules, don't troll, don't hack the system blah blah blah blah anyways if you need a friend or some help just talk to me
neds to tell me NOW
just got up, so i'm half asleep XD
Yup, thanks for the help. so what's up?
is putting off telling me what an optomist is
Congrads on Super mod man! you've really earned it!
i'm glad your excited
best bud i gtg later.
muhhahaha gtg later.
*squishes your head to dust* GAME OVER * the retry button is missing because you lost too many times XD*
needs to tell me what and optomist is
Wooot it think ^.^
No *stomp on foot*
No *slaps again*
You made them? SWESOMENESS
no *backhands*
is confusing (i don't know what the hell and optomist is)