is in the box with all the girl members in KH. *picks out every girl execpt enemys (Tifa L., and Aerith G. XD) and puts the box in the sahara desert.*
is playing a game *picks up a joystick and presses the button* Big Boomin Voice: SECOND SWITCH DEACTIVATED
Is a female (shocker to me)
Is not a christian.
If you could, would you date a 14-year-old
is confusing i'm male, btw
Is correct
Hey what's up?
Notmuch, being bored.
is also making fun of me :(
is making fun of me DX
Better not slap my **** if he doesn't want a godmodder on him.
is a freqeunt poster. OH THATS WHAT NINJA'D MEANS!
XD, nice job XD
Likes Sora and riku and kairi
Are you named after a Keyblade?
had her boyfriend move in with her.XD
meant to say doesn't
Is cool too howed i get ninja'd?
likes big text