Alright man chill.
SPDude is Admin, not owner
lol. ^.^ don't worry bout it man.
Cus I can XD
Dude you're and fayt convo, Death spank is owner,
I used to collect rocks, but i kinda gave it up.
Hi. what's up?
crumpet are you there?
Nice, well.....then I'll talk later. later XD
is annoying
It's fine XD just by who? XD
is a friend
just..asking ...
has a bride in their sig
Is a big LIAR
is awesome Supermodish.
Phailed me.
is a friend *doesn't care and lets the remaining girls die*
*finds the final switch on top of a friends head. Injects sleeping potion and gets the switch* Told you i was a god-modder XD