"David Bowies Pants were pretty tight..." LOL
is your name Erica Rios?
Has anyone seen this movie? I was amazed how much it was transferred from the Greek Labyrinth, with Daedulus and Theseus (Right?) I lvoed it so much, i have a new siggy.
so what;s up?
yeah man, that's aesome. you're like, -speed-poster-of-kh-vids.-net.
Oh yes I did.
sure did. i was dead by the time i searched photobucket.
wlcome, you have a bang-up-ass avatar my friend. Like aqua said, check out the code vault.
oh my god, your avatar is awesome! Rafiki is like WHAT TEH F-CK?! and stitch is all like "Finally, i'm free!"
ohmygodyougotpremiumgratzgratzgratz! oh-my-god-you-got-premium-gratz-gratz-gratz!
thanks ^.^ i had to search forever to find it.
Good, thxerz.
*punch* OBJECTION! You: To what? Your face :P
It looks like Luna with short hair.
Good, i think
Who is it supposed to be of?
Upside down.
No, not like that. just reaaaly bored.
Phoenix, man. OBJECTION!!!
Hey, you changed your avvy! it's waaaay better.