^Gud Vid. Very inspire atioanal................................................................................. .... CHRIS CRAKUR OLLED.... BI7CH This damn video makes me want to vomit. Why? Well, after you watch, i'll tell you that they show this to kids at what I guess is " an annual camping trip" . Child abuse much? Anywai, what do you think?
Ok, I still suck, but I am just trying to make something bearable to look at, and this is as close as I came.
Pressing the shift key 5 times turns on StickeyKeys. My computer is kinky.
no U. seihosd
This site sucks.
Yeah, clever at first, but then it just got way too repetitive. I used to just no scope with the 50 cal and just skip the whole "distracting" part.
Meh, Army of Two was fun at first, but then it just got boring. Rios was always my favorite guy to use, just cause he's a badass mawfuca.
Get a life lol.
Hai ^_^ FAH Q
Yeah, I guess i'm not good at making default sigz any more. Or making sigs in general..... YAH! I QUIT.
I haven't posted here in a while so.... hay.
I got bored so I made this. I don't expect anyone to comment, give crit, or anything. I don't really need it, since I just make tags for fun every once in a while, that's it. So, uh.... enjoy I guess.
You guys are all nubs
HAHAHHAHAHAHA no one cares.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
0/100000000 i hate em lol. Actually, they're alright 7.2/10
I don't know about you, but it looks like it was photo shope ed. Also, what compells you to look this shi7 up?