It's pretty good. BUT...... The lightning on the right looks very sloppy, cause I can see a line running down where your stock ends. You could erase it with a soft brush, or you and blur it a little bit and smudge it until it looks pretty for an added effect. That's up to you. Also, because the picture itself looks low quality. I don't know if it was the pic itself, or something you did, but I think you should blur it at about.... 0.5 maybe. Some unneeded effects that ruin the V flow that's going on there are apparent on both sides of the tag, maybe smudge them a little to make them flow, or use them for depth purposes. Other than that, it has nice depth and the lighting isn't too bad(maybe make the lightning a little brighter, and a few thing brighter) from what I can see.
Put a few techniques together and this resulted. I could probably do more with this, but right now it's 4:16, and I just want to go to be now xD. CnC
-sigh- Little noob, bow down to my post count of AWESOMENESS! oh yah prem sucks btw ^_^ V.
Uh..... I don't really know why the lighting is so bad.... Damn, how did I miss that xD. New one ^^^
On a different tag, I would be glad.... on this, I really don't want to test it.
Hmmmm.... Vector..... That's too bad, since I fsking suck at vector >_>. And I hate using brushes.....
Thank you, Cin. If you have any suggestions with effects, feel free to post them. Personally, i'm stumped =0!
Re color
Text...? Tip: Anyone who loves gfx, don't quit for a long time. Trust me, it sucks when you do :(
Yes, I know it's a failure of a sig...... but I would like to improve so cnc away I guess. Oh yeah, it's plain so don't even ***** about that.
i don't get it.
that's basically what i did. i r fail at tagz :( nu one Added a bagillion more layers
and a work of art appeared LOLOLOLOLOLOL
if you move the effects over closer to the stock, it goes with the render movement almost perfectly.
Okay, I am a little late on making an ironman movie sig, but here: Okay, here's a secret for cnc: You don't need to have flow in a good sig. You don't need alot of effects in a good sig. You don't need text in a good sig. You don't need lighting in a good sig. -------------------------------------------- You need to have a nice composition. You need to have a focal that does not bore the viewer. You need to evoke emotion(s) in the viewer. You need to make the sig your own. That's it.
0/100000000000000000000000000 u phail.
-sigh- n00bs still posting in this thread.
Yeah, I said the same thing about your mom.