Scrap em and read some tutorials.
Blue to the VERY right </3 Splatters in the dark part of the tag </3 Fix that, and it would be damn near impossible to make a splatter tag that sexy.
Color version: Smudge N Splatter on this tag. B/W: It's pretty nice, but lighting is key in b/w tags. try playing with it a bit, since it's kind of un realiastic. Also, maybe if you brought out the pentool and did some stuff.....
Pretty good tag so far, but it's far from done, m8. You need to spend a little time on the fg, and less on the bg. I suggest smudging and using the liquify filter, as well as using a few tutorials for guides, as it seems that you are a new gfx artist. Also, you should work on making your objects flow to a point of your choosing, and make something.... unique there. That would make this tag much better in my opinion.
There is no "decision" to be gay/bi. You either ARE or are NOT. kthx bai.
We won't know if any of this is "bad" until we take the reins and see how that goes. But for now, it seems to be normal from my standpoint. Just bigger guns, better technology, and a lot of porn.
It doesn't take much to be president in my opinion. :/ Anyways, I guess that means I think he is ready. He does have a few traits that I see to be fitting for a president, though.
I don't get why so many people are against it. It's just like what the blacks went through, only more civilized. (By the way, i'm not talking about the physical **** too much, even though it STILL happens on a way smaller degree) As far as the "sin" part goes, i'm not religious, so I wouldn't know. But even if it is, think of it like this: If GOD(s) created all people,and he LOVES all people, why is it "wrong" to be gay/bi. You would be more likley to go to hell if you don't accept it, from where I stand.
I believe McGruff the Crime Dog said it best: 1.Put your arm around the bullied victim 2.Walk away together. 3.Have fun
I don't care about celeberties personal lives, so it doesn't matter to me who the person his, what race, sexuality. But it really doesn't matter if someones gay/bi/ or straight, so I have to say that I really don't care. xD
What's crackin eggshell? Read some rules. And have some fun if you feel like it.
You should post alot.... ummmm.... read the rules if you feel like it, and have some tea and crumpets when you get famished. Stay in school.
XD -sigh- Anyways..... You're gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it. oh btw welcome.
Yeah, it's alright. Was great before, but now..... Anyways, have some fun. Meet some peeps. And make some gfx plz.
Congradulaions, Potter. 5 points for Gryffindor.
SJ FTW!!!!!! Oh, and china would like the wall back. kthx.
My roflknife goes SLIEC SLEC SLIEC SLIEC.
Yeah, keep spamming the gfx section and you'll be there in no time.
You really should have made the stock less detailed by way of filters, for a "make shift" vector effect in my honest OPINION. Also, this needs more depth, and a little planning of the splatterz would have been good too. To me, they looks a little too random. The pentool is alright in this, but make it look grainy and washed out, like the line on his shirt.