I'm Eh... About this. Mainly because due to the reviews of Final Fantasy's MMO's so far, they've had the worst luck with making ones. No matter how pretty and shiny they look, they're terrible to play. They might have changed, but I'm extremely hesitant to jump on the band wagon about another one.
Billy Zane, he just nails the emotions so well. I can actually hear the longing in his voice when he asks for Kingdom Hearts to open. Epcar is okay, but I don't think as good.
Hmm... I think I'd be either like Axel, hot-headed but caring deeply for my friends and loved ones. Or Roxas because I like hanging out and having fun but get easily angry if being manipulated.
After Sforzato said that about Traverse Town and realizing he had a point. (I would've gone to Traverse because I like seeing cool things. :P) I would say either Destiny Islands or Twilight Town. Destiny Islands because of the atmosphere and the beach, Twilight town because of the sunset, clock tower and trains.
*smashes you with frying pan* I don't think so. :P
I can see why some people get worried about it, but honestly. I don't see a problem with it. I think part of a relationship is trust. If you can't trust your boyfriend/girlfriend or hell, even your friend to go out with your friend to the movies or something to a movie you don't want to see. How can you trust them later on? How can they trust you? Yes, there's a chance something might happen, but it's a risk because you are showing that you at least trust them to not make that kind of step behind your back with your friend. I know it does happen, but if you don't show you trust your friend/boyfriend/girlfriend, it could be a problem in itself.
I would say either: When Riku is saying goodbye and they're closing the door to Kingdom Hearts. Or when Riku is revealed to still be Ansem in KHII.
I have a tendency to hold a grudge depending on the person. There's one guy at work who has hated me since I stepped through the door. I always hold a grudge against him because of his abuse that he's thrown at me while I've done nothing wrong. I hate my father because of what has happened to my mom and me because of him. He has done a lot of hurtful things that makes me pissed off at him at the mere mention of his name. But usually, I don't hold a grudge or anger against someone for a long time, and when I do, I later on regret it.
True, but what's the process in it? I mean, do they have to have a person die/sacrificed to make it? I'm just curious and morbid.
Having worked with people with disabilities and having a few myself, I know some people would hate me for saying it: But it depends on the case. When I was born, they thought I was going to be a vegetable with no interaction with the world. It took YEARS of therapy to get as far as I am today. It took YEARS of tutoring all the way to my junior year of high school to get me to where I am today and I STILL worked hard to get the grades I got and still needed tutors. Why am I bringing this up with this question? Simple: When a child is born with a disability, they shouldn't be judged until they at the least reach puberty or around there. I know kids who have low-functioning autism, I know kids with severe asbergers which is what I have but a low grade of it, I know kids who have learning disabilities like my bro. Can they get to the point where I am? It depends on each case. Some people can and some can't. I would say if around puberty and they can't take care of themselves they should be sterilized. Why? Because things happen. I myself had had this happen to me. Things happen where someone gets pregnant. It could happen to any women, and it's very traumatic to lose a child in the first place, a person with a disability where they can't communicate or understand what's going on it would be a thousand times worse. I know kids with at least autism are very bright sometimes, but they live in a world that's their own. When they reach a level where they can't take care of themselves or understand what's going on, it's hard for them to know what happened. If the parent is willing to take care of their grandchild, yes, let them not be sterile. But that's a high risk in itself if the parents die before the child is fully grown. It's a very hard fine line to walk about this. I can only imagine what the parents go through making these decisions. If it's based on whether or not the kid will carry on the gene maybe, again, it depends on the case. My family has severe cases of mental illness, disabilities, and god-knows what in our gene pool. My brother has a son who luckily never seemed to get the trait yet. I know and I've been warned if I ever had a child, it would be extremely high that my disability would be passed on to my kid. Hence one of the reasons I decided not to have a child. It is my choice and I'm fine with it. But again, the kids who have severe disabilities and cannot communicate with the outside world, it is very hard for the parents to make a choice for the child. Like I said before, things happen where a woman can get pregnant. I think honestly it's better when they reach puberty and they cannot communicate to the outside world or understand what's going on around them, they should sterilize.
I don't know... The magic gun seems to be at least semi-sentient. If you look at the Jaeris thing, the only way he could get them was by getting the person who had the gun angry enough so the gun would reject them. That doesn't sound like just an object.
I find two things interesting about myself, one is that despite my quiet behavior irl, I find myself a leader online. Even when it comes to rp's and/or forums. I seem to manage to take control and have people follow me. I'm not trying to sound egotistical, I'm actually deeply surprised that when I find myself in a situation where I can help, it just naturally comes to me to take a leadership position. In real life, I'm pretty quiet and withdrawn, barely speaking up and even more rare, giving suggestions, but on the Internet, I'm a different person. Another thing that's interesting is my ideas. When I watch a series, I can usually think of a few ideas for a rp, or a story within a few episodes or hours in a game if it's good. If it's bad, that's another story. Sometimes I can think of ways something can be improved while just typing about it. I get stuck in some real life stuff, but my mind is always working towards a creative idea to fix it or make it better.
Ultima is some of his best work. It's probably one of his signature reviews along with Final Fantasy. He also talks about the series with a lot more fondness until around the eighth game you won't find in the Final Fantasy series. Oh yeah, I hate his new video player, Springboard never loads for me, it always is making a new tab and redirecting me there every time I pause and it loads three seconds per pause. I love the guy, but I wish he changed his video player.
I'm the same way with you on X, except I was starting to realize that on my own. I played through twice and slowly started to lose interest. Then seeing Spoony's review of it, I had to agree that it was pretty bad. Having stopped playing FF around halfway through XII. *still hates that game for reasons I won't go into* I never played FFXIII, but seeing his review and others complaining, I'm glad I never played it. The complaints really sounded like something I wouldn't enjoy. Ultima is still my favorite, especially near the end of IX when he gets emotional talking about his history with the series.