Again, one of my favorites for Internet critics. Made by Linkara, the comic book reviewer. Linkara if you ever watch his Atop the Fourth Wall LOVES Power Rangers, to the point where he did several incorporation into his storylines and reviews. He decided at one point to review every single season of Power Rangers, granted, they come out MUCH slower than his regular reviews, but they are an excellent sit down and watch. He does it more seriously but still keeps the humor strong enough to keep the laughs strong. My personal favorite so far is the Turbo review. Just how riled he gets about how bad that season was is hilarious. When I seriously get annoyed or just downright pissed at a series I now do the same thing like he did when it hit rock bottom. Walk out of the room, scream at the top of my lungs and go back in.
Watching the news about a video game today on Youtube which I won't cite because of the fact that they quoted a woman who claims her son failed out of college for playing games and0 failed a bowling class. I came to wonder: Are video games a hobby or an addiction? Why do you pick what you do? I honestly think it's a hobby that with everything, can turn into a addiction. Games are just a fun pastime that people play to kill time or to relieve stress. Can it turn into an addiction? Yes, but it's up to the individual to control how much they play.
Which one do you best associate with Nintendo? Which one when you think Nintendo pops in your head? And why? Other than Mario, just because of all the answers being Mario. I would have to say Link from Legend of Zelda. I haven't played Skyward Sword, but I've played all the console games for it which is the only series I've played to this far. I enjoyed his games in the past and still think of the series with a nostalgic fondness.
The thing about Aqua at least for me is that it seemed like her storyline was weak, maybe it's just me. But nothing really significant happened in the foreground in her that made her story memorable. Maybe it was the fact she was fighting a losing battle to keep her friends, but it just annoyed me how she was shoved in the background and don't get me on Kari's treatment. Though she does really need to get some improvements. The fact that Axel can walk over and grab her by the wrist and drag her through a portal ten feet away with little resistance is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Anywho...... On topic... I would like to see less Disney to the games. Like I said, I haven't played the last two games, but from what I've seen, there's a ton of Disney characters with little Final Fantasy. This might have changed, I did hear rumors of The World Ends With You being in there, but other than several elements of Final Fantasy, why can't there be a world of just Final Fantasy? And Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden doesn't count, an actual side storyline that's based off the final fantasy games that doesn't involve the main plot in most cases that is still vital to the game. Oh yeah, and no more musical sing alongs. Please.
I like the look of the game, the storyline seems interesting, too. I'm not really interested in the Batman Arkham series, but this might convince me to give it another shot.
Actually, reading the posts, there's more things I'd like to change: Women's personalities, I like Kari, but she's not NEARLY as strong as a protagonist as Sora and Riku. And if that's changed in the last two games which I haven't played admittedly, then I take it back. Same with Aqua, she just seemed like in Birth by Sleep the weakest most unoriginal storyline. I couldn't play through it especially when I hit Neverland. I actually want to have an interesting, well-rounded protagonist female in the game for once who is even with the boys in character and fighting. Another part I'd really change is the Disney storylines. I loved KHII, but I found myself skipping all the cutscenes the second time through with the Disney storylines. I don't honestly play Kingdom Hearts for a remake of the Disney movies, the original KH had actual storylines that went well with the stories, they talked about hearts and how heartless were affecting people. A much better storyline than the ones made later on.
Dude, that was years ago. Misty is doing a hell of a job and I'm proud of her. And yes, I did run the site for a long time. :P I retired a long...
When the zombie is already dead? I was trying to explain this to my mom when I showed her the book: A Zombie Survival Guide in Wal-Mart, and yes, there is such a book. And she asked me this... So I ask everyone, how do you do it?
What family means to me is someone who you can confide in and they can confide in you. You can tell them anything without fear of being judged or know that they will never hold it against you for the rest of your life even if you screw up. For instance: I have a father who I have barely spoken to in the last five years and get pissed when talking about him. I grew up with him and over the years our relationship has reached this level. At the same time, I have someone who was my boss for about a year and during that time I considered him like a father because of how kindly he treated me, when I did something wrong, he let me know and let it go afterwards. He always made me feel welcome despite everything going around me since I was having a hard time with my mom at the time. I also have a brother who I barely speak to, I haven't spoken to him formally in years and we don't hate each other, but we don't like each other either. At the same time, I have an online brother who I tell everything to and him me when he wants to. We're very close and look to each other for support. I also have a mom who I love dearly and she does me. We have our moments where we hate each other, but we get over it as time goes on. Family for me is not blood, it's not adoption, it's someone who you really care about and can share everything with without hate lasting a long time.
I realized that after I posted, lolz... I am going to keep the PS3 for Kingdom Hearts, though there's no rumors about Kingdom hearts II. Anywho... On topic... I will do as I did for this generation, wait and see if anything comes that I think is worth the money. I do like Assassin's Creed and Portal series on my PS3, so it's not terrible.
Personally, I'm not hyped by any of the consoles. I got the PS3 and 360 WWWWWWAYYYYYYYYYYY late in the game. PS3 last year, 360 this Christmas. I am actually thinking about selling the PS3 and just going 360 considering how much I like the 360 more, but that's just me. I don't like the no backward compatible part, because I honestly don't like stuffing my small room with every single console that's ever going to be made. That and the subscription fees for Live Gold for both sounds like a cash cow, though I might be behind the times and they might stop it for 360 or make it so both would be covered with no fee. That and I heard rumors that there's no used games which I depend heavily on. The PS4 just for me seems meh... No interesting games except maybe KHIII which I WOULD buy on that system and maybe if they ever make it KHII FM+ in English. But that's the only reason I would buy it. Wii personally has become a paperweight, I don't need a Wii U paperweight.
I'm completely terrified of heights. If I am standing on anything that's about ten feet straight down, I start shaking uncontrollably. I don't actually have any memory of anything happening, but I just get completely terrified. Even straight down slides used to scare the living hell out of me until I slowly got used to it, though I still freak when I have nothing under my feet. There's a slide near my house at a park and when the slide starts, the bottom drops out on you. I knew it was coming but I nearly didn't go on and when I did, I uncrossed my legs which can cause a broken leg because how panicked I got. On another ride on the same park, due to the height of the ride, I had a panic attack and a bloody nose before it started. Another fear I'm slowly trying to get over is loud noises. I actually have a reason for this one: A firework when I was a toddler went off in front of me. Though I was still probably deaf at the time, it freaked me out to the point where I'm terrified of fireworks, sirens, guns, etc... I can see fireworks now if I listen to my IPod and mostly tune out the sound, but I still get nervous when a siren goes off near me. One time I was walking with my mom and a police siren went off right next to us, I crashed into her to get away from the noise and went into a fetal. I have been more nervous of loud noises ever since.
Non-storyline? Sephiroth by a mile and a half. Storyline, I would have to say either Demyx or Xigbar. I just got a beatdown with both of them.
Improve in general about the Kingdom Hearts series? Personally, I would either get better traveling companions or better AI for Donald and Goofy. Their AI is terrible with the fact that they always heal the wrong person in a lot of the cases. Note: Due to Spam issues, you can say your thoughts on someone else's improvements, but this topic is for IDEAS to improve the series. Please post your ideas on improvements and keep on topic.
The clones were a massive pain in the butt for me. Demyx wasn't so bad, but the clones and the time limit caused a lot of deaths for me. Him and Xigbar were the two hardest Organization members for me.
Actually, Dearly Beloved is also up there. Fantastic music.
Having seen all the advertising and what the companies basically bribe the "reporters" for free advertising. The Video Game Journalist Awards being the only one who pops in my head with the fact that the most creative journalist who advertised their favorite upcoming video game would get a free console when getting their reward, I would say yes. It is starting to get out of control. This will at least damage the companies rep when caught if not destroy the company completely. If you keep on sending out crappy games, which people will buy because it sounds "good" you have what it was in the early 1980's: People no longer buying video games from a lot of companies because of the bad games they purchased. It won't be as bad as it was in the 1980's, but it will severely hurt sales for video games.
Alright, this isn't fully what you would think, not about the violence and what not in video games. I'm talking about the promotion of video games. Me admittedly not being a Star Trek fan, I really didn't look into the new game that came out. I was on one of my reviewers websites when he added a vlog about how the new Star Trek was really screwed up. Apparently Steam and Xbox/PS3 didn't give out review copies of the games until the day it came out or later. He took a look at Meta critic which basically allows anyone who signs up to do a quick review and saw this: If you look at the ones which are mostly 9 and 10's, those are the ones who reviewed once and only for this game. While the rest are mostly much lower or middle. Apparently the Co-op also has been down since it was released until Wednesday at the least from the posting of this vlog. Which someone on the day of release says it works fine with steam servers. He's also got a log of 158 hours on Star Trek on his profile and only has played that. EDIT: Oh yeah, he's the Senior Producer of the game from Linked-In. Source of Vlog: WARNING: It does contain several bits of swearing. I'm just wondering with the way video game companies are going with advertising and the Internet, do you think it's going too far with the way they try to get people to buy games? Do you think it should be changed? If so, how?
My name's VERY easy to pronounce, but it's spelled all the time wrong. I have worked at the same place for four years now and everyone still misspells my name. lol... I started to get used to it. I know a girl in my class who would always hit the roof that someone said her name wrong, though... She'd yell at the teacher every time he said it wrong.
That's most likely when we'll be flying in. I guess I could go in for a night. My mom would throw a fit on the wasted day, but who cares. Kingdom Hearts at Disneyworld, I really pray that I make it.