From what very little I remember of Penguin, he was mercilessly bullied after his disfigurement. Hence the reason he became a villain, one of the probably many origins for the Penguin. Maybe he'll be an actual protagonist or neutral at least until the disfigurement. It'd be an interesting twist in the game, just throwing it out there. It is an interesting development though.
It's kinda cute, my nephew which has a Ipad at seven has become a walking advertisement for it. He keeps on trying to convince my mom to buy one even though she has no idea what he's talking about and has no idea when I try to explain it to her. My Godmother doesn't understand violent video games at all. I mentioned Assassin's Creed to her once when she was taking me somewhere and she looked horrified at the mere mention. The conversation didn't go well despite me talking about what the Creed was about.
Apparently they also came out with a Cooking Mama. I won't really go into it, I just saw the clip picture and it's really disgusting. REALLY disgusting. With the saying: "Mama Kills Animals." Gotta love PETA. Seriously, having seen this stuff, I question if they're really doing it for the animals or just for attention. It's ridiculous how far they'll go with this stuff.
The only time a rumor really affected me was a few years back at work. I shared my desk at the time with another co-worker who had snacks in the desk. I was accused of stealing by the boss who heard the rumor spreading around. I usually ignore it and/or blow it off, but that time it really hit me hard.
Ugh... Now I wish I lived in England to see this. The closest I live is Boston for PAX East, but nothing really seems interesting enough for me to go and do anything there. But maybe they'll do something for E3 and/or PAX this year about this that I can watch via Internet. I hope so.
Sure, what the hell, why not. I have to admit, one of the weirdest endings I've ever seen is Bionic Commando. Anyone who's played it has some idea what I'm talking about. KEEP IT WITH A SPOILER TAG!!!
That you ever heard in video games? It can be creepy, scary or just weird. Mine would have to be from Pokemon Silver: Drowzee: A psychic that eats dreams. He prefers children's because they're much more tastier.
She said if we go we'll go a day early. I am now trying to get her to watch me lay Kingdom Hearts. =3 It's not too hard so she understands what's going on. How long do you have to sign up? I still don't know if we're going.
lolz... Better than my mom. I forgot a paper when I was in high school once that I had to have her print. She got on a Apple with the instructions of my computer instructor and managed to print it. She still brags today that she at least knows how to turn on a computer when I tell her she needs computer classes. My dad is pretty tech savvy, though. He mostly got it from calling tech support and spending five hours on the phone bugging the living hell out of them. He had about fifty sticky notes all on his desk on instructions on how to use his laptop.
I used to have a long distance relationship with someone when I started working at this site. We were very close and spoke every day. I actually used to call him a lot on the phone. We also spoke a lot via online and chatted a lot. And did rp's, which I admit is a severe weakness for me. He was the best relationship I ever had, he fell in love with someone else, and we broke up for a year. I don't know if it was him or something else or a just a perfect storm, but I fell into severe depression that year. We got back together near the end of the school year and just drifted away. Coming back here, I remember how much I miss him and love him. And I'm totally getting off track. I never really got a relationship after that. But the long distance relationship online was the best I had. If I could've done it again, I would, but I would keep him this time.
Parents sometimes don't exactly.... Understand technology. It could be games, it could be the internet, it could be a cell phone that I had to program for my mom... Anything technology based in the last 20 years or so so we don't go back to typewriters. For instance, today I showed my cat to a member via webcam on Skype and despite the fact that the person lives on the other side of the ocean, my mom believes the member can still come over and steal him and rob us blind. And yes, that is true.
Then why not do it for Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts for just one world? I think it'd be more interesting. But that's just me and my opinion and I want to keep on topic. I hope they don't find some convoluted way to put the characters levels back at one. I mean, Terra and Aqua maybe I would understand, but Sora and Riku? I don't really see that happening unless they have spent DDD and KHIII sipping sodas at Destiny Islands doing nothing. I understand KHII, but they can't constantly do that every game, can they? Make a higher cap instead. That and more things to learn. More magic, more skills, expand what you have.
I didn't mean fully drastically, and if you look at KHII as an example: Why not watch a movie of Disney when the plotlines are the same as the movie? Is it because it's interactive? How? Anywho... I want it a combo, I just thought it'd be more interesting. Anyone can post their opinion about what they wish to improve, it doesn't mean it has to happen. And guys, you're welcome to post your opinions on what others post, but remember: This is a thread about improving the series, not criticizing other people's thoughts on their opinions on how it can improve. Please don't spam. I think it'd be interesting to have more than two side characters. Maybe three or four. If you're going to have everyone meet in three, why not make them at least characters that are sidekicks in the world?
Asked Stark to change it so it's not so limited, thanks again. On topic: The storyline has gotten quite convoluted over time. Note: I haven't played the last two games, but I always liked a differentiation between light and dark which is never explained in the series. Why is it considered so dark? Why were the Nobodies considered evil? I thought actually the protagonists were more evil in KHII than the Organization because the Nobodies just wanted the goal of having emotions and being human again. This is never explained at all so far in the games I've played. That and Sora's unquestioning following of Mickey and Yen Sid when it comes to the Nobodies. I actually think a good idea was a storyline where light and dark, note: Not good and evil. Would actually be in a balance with each other and work together without prejudice towards the other. Sorta like a council of keyblade bearers. But again, please don't give me full spoilers since I didn't play DDD or Re: Coded. Thank you, you can say whether or not this is expanded.
Having seen kids who have all the restrictions on the world on their computers by their parents and then sneak on and download thirty gigs of porn on a school computer. (True story.) Kids are going to find a way around things, they are going to find a way to play video games for hours no matter what parents do. One of the reasons why kids usually go nuts on their first year of college, not all kids mind you, but they are free from parents and they will do stupid things. Is that the parents fault? No, it's the parents responsibility until they leave and they teach them. If they have to work 60 hours a week to feed the kids which them having the kids in the first place is another debate in itself, they can't be there for the kids. I do think video games can be addicting. I have been addicted to ridiculous things. I won't mention it here because it's downright humiliating when I look back at it, but it still massively affected my life and took it over. I lost friends due to it, I think if you are constantly thinking about it non-stop, you have a period of time you have to watch or play the game, even if you're eating and sleeping, you are still addicted. It happens a lot more than once or twice.
I honestly wouldn't mind the sing alongs nearly as much if it wasn't the whole plotline with the world. Aquatica, (I think that's what it's named, yes I haven't played in ages.) went from the hardest Disney world to a sing along with no real explanation except: Well... The heartless hasn't showed up here. Lets sing!!! It seriously got annoying. Make it at the least a side quest or something. Make it rewarding other than just having it be the only thing in the whole world.
Mine would probably be Riku, Sora and Terra. Terra's a kickass fighter along with Riku who use a balance between light and dark. Sora has a strong magic supply but is a strong fighter in itself and all three would hold well probably against everything.
The problem is with that is that they're not going to mention all the bugs and glitches on the back of the box. They're not going to mention the fact that their co-op is still not working when the product is released. When I go to Gamefaqs and other sites for a review, I try to keep the blinders on when it comes to games. Especially when it has a huge following like Final Fantasy and Pokemon. I look for the middle reviews usually unless I want to see how entertaining the trolls can get on the really low reviews. The problem is when it's skewered like this, a lot of people either don't buy it because it looks really crappy because of the people compensating for the good reviews or it looks wonderful because of all the reviewers from people being paid by the developer to basically lie to get sales. People depend on reviews, and especially when it's not released early for the reviewers or the reviewers outright lie because they're friends with the companies, then it just hurts one group of people: The consumers. Note: The ones shelling out 60 bucks for each game.
I meant the review series, but in general it's fine. =3 Yeah, I started Power Rangers in it's first season. I didn't have cable back then so all I got to watch are the movies and the tv to movie adaptation. I still loved it and bought any media related Power Rangers stuff. I started losing interest at Turbo and never really went back except for Lightspeed Rescue which I actually really enjoyed.
I have a few: One is a squalling baby next to me when the parents have other places to sit and they just sit there trying to quiet the kid down instead of moving. Especially since it's considered "rude" to ask them to move somewhere else or get up and leave to another spot. Same for little kids throwing a tantrum without the parents removing the kids so they can just enjoy themselves outside while the kid is disrupting everyone else. Or they're running around causing chaos while the mom is just like: "Come here and I'll give you a cookie," or: "Please don't do that." Another is when I go to work and I have something loading so I leave my computer on. I sometimes forget to close messenger but I put a busy status and say I'm at work. I only work four hours and I come back and there's fifteen messages from two people saying: "Hello..." "There's no such thing as work!!!" "Are you there?!" "Hello?!"