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  1. Sara
    Yeah, Enix and Quintet. Btw... If you're having problems buying it as it can get a bit expensive, you can always do the i- *gets shot* X_________X

    Anywho... I don't think it'll ever come out on Virtual Console. The stuff they talk about in the game would be enough to cause the new president of Nintendo to roll in his non-existing grave.

    Some are child labor, slavery, and a little bit about war. It happens in different segments of the game, but it still is heavy and realistic enough for you to actually feel for not only the characters that are involved, but the minor ones that have it happening. And yes, it's a clone, but it also has it's own unique edges to it where it is not a full-out clone where Enix is just getting one. One being there's only one sidequest and trust me, it's the biggest pain in the ass sidequest ever made. That and it's mostly a VERY linear game with dungeons for exploration. You can visit certain places at some points, but once you hit a certain point in the game, the plot won't allow you to go back.Which isn't to say it's a plothole, there's actually good reasoning as to WHY you can't go back with originality behind each one.

    I highly recommend it, especially if you liked Terranigma. It's the third of a series.
    Post by: Sara, May 14, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sara
    An old game from the SNES games. I rented this one with a friend of mine who insisted we rent it. I dutifully put it in and soon it took my breath away.

    It doesn't have the polish graphics of today, but the sprites are fantastic. The storyline is deep and involving dealing with a lot of real life issues and morals that really stick with you as time goes on. The actual plot is basically a cliche: You, a kid who lost his father and the rest of the crew on an exploration somehow survived with no memory on how and ended back with your grandparents back in a small cape. When you are asked to bring a ring to the castle, you are thrown in jail for not having the ring and eventually find out from a being called Gaia that you have powers you have never imagined and you have to save the world.

    You travel to actual places on Earth with your friends, learning and developing along the way. The music is fantastic to listen to and easy to hum to. The dialogue is hilarious from your grandmother's meal choices to the princess apologizing that you're in jail. But when it gets serious, it's serious to a T and is very deep. Before the times Nintendo became kiddy this is a shining example of it being a deep involving storyline that makes you really think.

    Anyone else play it?
    Thread by: Sara, May 14, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. Sara
    Dear God...

    Such a tragedy, it kills me that stuff like this happens still. After being so close to the Boston Bombing, I wonder if it's someone looking for their own damned fifteen minutes of fame or something else.

    My thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families. I pray that they'll all be okay.
    Post by: Sara, May 13, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  4. Sara
    The music alone for the last Colossus causes me to get teared up. It's so haunting and beautiful. One of my favorite creator of top tens put it best in his video of top 50 soundtracks, the way he puts it makes you feel exactly what you should at the final boss of this game. I unfortunately can't post the link due to MASSIVE spoilers in it, but the final boss and the events leading up to it is something I will never forget, especially when the ending comes and you realize exactly what those events foretold.

    If anyone wants a link to it, message me and I'll be happy to send it.
    Post by: Sara, May 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Sara
    The thing is with Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry is that it's more violent than video games. I don't think that kids ever did 90% done in cartoons, but in a game where the goal is to cross the finish line first and get shells thrown at you is violent? How? Some kid is going to throw a shell, maybe a blue one at someone? Maybe in Wii Sports they'll throw a wildly elaborate jerky jab at someone irl? (Yes, I don't like Wii Sports motion controls.) Mario Party 9, eh... Maybe, but it's a stretch. I'm sure Nintendo is loving the attention anyway.
    Post by: Sara, May 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  6. Sara
    This is one of the few games I can never play because of the emotional decisions you make in the game. The other being Heavy Rain, though admittedly I watched both being played.

    This game is art to a T. It's a short game, only about eight hours long, and most of it is traveling and fighting bosses. There's no other things to fight. It's about Wander, a man who with his horse Agro goes and tries to bring his loved one back to life. To do this, he gets the help of a voice named Dormin who says it can only help if Wander kills the sixteen colossi. I won't give away the ending nor what happens with them colossi, but it is emotionally heart wrenching to watch. Just the final Colossus for me starts me crying, not including the end.

    It's a beautiful game and deserves much more recognition it gets. Anyone else play it?
    Thread by: Sara, May 12, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Sara
    Apparently Assassin's Creed IV is now on their crosshairs:

    There's apparently whaling in the new Assassin's Creed game. Having not really keeping an eye on the AC game, I didn't know there was whaling involved. Personally, I don't like doing stuff like that, where it kind of turns my stomach. But I can see where it's realistic because of that time period. Whaling was a major part of history. Do I see people doing this in real life after they play the game? No, I wouldn't. I wonder if there's going to be another game made from there.
    Post by: Sara, May 12, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Sara
    Yes, there is an actual article about this. From Nintendo, actually. I found a video from a die-hard gamer, but his commentary is too colorful to put a link.

    I honestly think again, this is funny as hell. Mario Kart and Wii Sports are violent? They cause the shootings? I don't believe video games cause violence, and I honestly thought it ended when Jack Thompson got his BAR license suspended indefinitely, but apparently it's still out there. I have played most of the games and can't believe that they are considered violent.


    Games Listed:

    Mario Party 9, Wii Sports, Mario Kart Wii, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and New Super Mario Brothers Wii.

    Oh yeah, they're saying because of "comic mischief" and "cartoon violence."


    In another interesting note, they're also being blamed for causing cancer. NOTE: There's a bit of swearing in article.

    This just floors me more than anything else. Having played video games since I was a little kid with no problems, I again think this is funny as hell.
    Thread by: Sara, May 12, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  9. Sara
    I meant to say that speaking what you feel is fine, but some of the times it looks like trolling. But honestly, when I speak up, I usually get jumped on by other people. It seems the more you try to be polite and speak up, the more people jump on you for doing so.

    For instance, in a recent video, I commented about Nintendo losing money. It was from 2009, note. I noted that I didn't like certain games in the Zelda franchise for certain reasons. I won't go into it, but the remarks I got back were completely rude and out of line. Hell, I know one guy I follow who has a whole forum sending him wishes he gets in a car accident or killed by his horses because they don't like his methods which I should note now: Are not cruel with horses, but he speaks his mind.

    I do agree it's a fine line and hard to walk.
    Post by: Sara, May 11, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Sara
    I read a few weeks ago an editorial about how technology is making people ruder. That not being able to see the person makes people more prone to speak their minds and be rude.

    What do you think?

    I honestly think sometimes yeah, people are more rude on the Internet. There's more people who are trolling on the Internet than irl, I told my mom once that anything you want to think up will be on the Internet. It's the same for people, they can say whatever they want without most consequence unless they go to a forum like this one. (No complaints from here, after Gaia, this is a God send.) But seriously, there's a lot more loose tongues on the Internet and rude remarks than there is irl now. It's part of the gift and curse of the Internet.
    Thread by: Sara, May 11, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Sara
    I'm... Eh'ish about Assassin's Creed IV.

    I loved Assassin's Creed II, I actually didn't mind I, liked Brotherhood, never played Revelations, and got only a few hours into III before throwing in the towel due to boredom. It would have to be something amazing to draw me back in.
    Post by: Sara, May 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Sara
    Having heard the severe reputation of EA with a TON of different franchises they bought. Ultima, Mass Effect...

    I am basically seeing now EA sucking and bleeding this one dry that collapses the franchise completely. Maybe Bioware of whatever left of the company after EA's takeover and disaster of publicity that Mass Effect 3's ending turned out to be. (Whether or not you like the ending, there was terrible press from the ending of the game. It's still pretty controversial in some fields of the Internet.)

    Maybe DICE will help, I never heard of DICE before. But it doesn't bode well in my humble opinion.
    Post by: Sara, May 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Sara


    I'm sure he's busy, the collaboration between him, Linkara and JewWario alone must take ages to get done. I mean, they're not only writing the script, but they have to make in animated which takes a long time. His stuff still hits the mark, Mewtwo's Revenge I nearly died of laughter during.
    Post by: Sara, May 6, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Sara
    I have been personally using Mozilla Firefox since I got off Internet Explorer. I don't like AdBlock because I know a lot of places that are using the ads for their only income for their work and it's denying them the money they need for doing the videos we watch. But that's another debate altogether.

    I don't have any problems with firefox. The only big one I have is that it does crash my Adobe Flash, and for some reason it keeps on denying me use of Springboard, but I heard that's from my own computer. But I've had no virus problems lately and Firefox does keep me from worrying about unsafe sites. Sometimes it has to reboot, but it's very rare now and it's a good service. I recommend Firefox.
    Post by: Sara, May 4, 2013 in forum: Technology
  15. Sara
    Does anyone want to mention the obvious love for Yuna from Brother who's her COUSIN?! Anyone?! Thought so.

    Dude... That's just wrong, in every way possible. Anywho...

    Yeah, I didn't like FFX-2, not only for the mentioned above moments, it just was tedious and boring. You had to do EVERYTHING in a right order and NOT miss one thing to get 100% for the "best" ending. It was the concerts, the way too much fluffiness and just the whole ditziness. I mean, I can only stand a certain amount of fanboy moments before I turn off the system. The whole massage scene in itself was enough for me to go......

    Y-eah... Too much for me. And it's too bad, I did like FFX, it was my favorite for a long time before I played VI/III.
    Post by: Sara, May 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. Sara
    I have to admit... I love this guy with his dry humor and sarcasm.

    In all seriousness, I am glad they removed the website or at least the kids part. But SIXTY THOUSAND GUNS TO KIDS?! One second...

    *this scene is censored because of all the swearing in it*

    Again, I live in a hunting state. Kids have rifles, but they're at their teens. And trust me, they still manage to SHOOT THEIR OWN BROTHER IN THE CHEST WHEN THEY'RE HUNTING WITH THEM!!! *true story, from a friend of mine who was part of the hunting party* Why in the HELL did they not take it down sooner. That's sheer greed by definition. These kids don't need guns. Hell, my cousin who is a sociopath shouldn't HAVE a gun in his house let alone have TRAINING to use a gun. Yet it happens, there's no laws to prevent this stuff from happening. And dear God...

    It scares me more than the Boston Bombing and 9/11 ever will.
    Post by: Sara, May 3, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  17. Sara
    Edited, dude... Anyone but Mario. I wanted to make it more of a challenge.
    Post by: Sara, May 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Sara


    By one of my favorite reviewers: That Dude in the Suede.

    His humor is for the obvious but still has the charm and straight out: "Why in the hell is this going on?" Kind of attitude that really helps.

    My favorite is his team up with Linkara and JewWario to watch all the Pokemon movies together. That alone is a high reason to watch him. The reviews are hilarious and the storyline for it is even funnier.
    Thread by: Sara, May 1, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Sara
    If it's online, I'm pretty casual but open. I say hi and we chat a bit. I do kind of withdraw in a short time and let the two friends talk without me really unless I need to say something. I don't do well with crowds. I'm pretty much the same in real life, but I try too hard and get more nervous quickly with bad jokes and talking too much.

    If it's like at work, I am formal completely. I shake the persons hand and am polite to them. Whether it's a customer or a new co-worker, I treat them with respect.
    Post by: Sara, May 1, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sara


    Well... They did, but she was still good friends with him. They still are, but she went off to school and was too busy to come back. She was supposed to return this year, but apparently that fell through.
    Post by: Sara, May 1, 2013 in forum: Literature