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  1. Sara
    The interesting thing about the Fallout series is that decision making really wasn't made until the THIRD game when it came to dialogue. There was still customization like D&D for the character in the first two, and you had a TON of options of playing the game to the point where there was no way of making the same game twice unless you wrote down everything you did in the first game. And not making the same character doesn't count, every level gave you tons of different branches to go to when it came to your character. I started playing Fallout a year ago and still think it's one of the hardest but most rewarding and fun games I've ever played.

    Anywho, Link is mostly set up by the developer, his storyline, his actions, etc.... That doesn't retract from the character. A lot of silent protagonists already have a set storyline. Chrono, Link, etc... Does that retract from the character? No, it doesn't. Is it as immersive as say, Mass Effect where every line of dialogue seems to shape your character? Not really. You can still put yourself in the shoes of the silent character. I've heard people say that it helps you fill it in with your own thoughts, your own voice. I'm inclined to agree. I can probably think of some great dialogue for a silent protagonist, especially silent Link and the chickens.[DOUBLEPOST=1369012504][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Don't say that, if they do a prequel like Star Wars I-III which I know some people liked. Don't get in a fight about it. For the Legend of Zelda, I think I will kill myself.
    Post by: Sara, May 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sara
    I think the biggest ones for me were: Count to 100, Figure 8, Three is a Magic Number, and I'm a Bill.

    They NEVER showed it in my school sadly, it would've been awesome if we did. Especially since I had to memorize the Preamble also the hard way because I forgot the song and it wasn't around at that time.

    I remembered it mostly when it came to the park a few summers ago. I annoyed the hell out of my mom to bring me so we could watch it. Oh yeah, who can forget Interjections.
    Post by: Sara, May 19, 2013 in forum: Music
  3. Sara
    Alright, I listen to the boss. Can you answer if it was bad as Boris as admin? Just curious, I'll drop it if it can't be talked about. Messages are fine, too. :P
    Post by: Sara, May 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sara
    Uh... Just curious...

    What happened with catch the rain? I've heard hints that something happened, but never really what happened? Just curious. If it was massively personal, send me a message.

    Don't mourn Boris, he was an ass. Who went insane with power and took me three months to repair the damage done. ><
    Post by: Sara, May 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sara
    I honestly don't see Link ever speaking. IF they did a good job, maybe. If they handled it like Mario, I think I'd go in a corner and cry because I love Link even more than Mario. His silence in games helps me keep that image of a strong, silent hero.

    Sometimes I do enjoy voice actors, but sometimes my favorite thing to do is try to Voice Act them myself. If you ever see Video Games Awesome and/or LteBlight on Youtube, they do non-voice acted games and do the voices themselves. Both have different ways of presenting each voice. Video Games Awesome does comedy which the host tries to do a stoned out valley girl Zelda. *not sure if that's what it is* For Zelda, Mia from Phoenix Wright, and several others. He uses the most grating, annoying voice for Toad and so on. It's entertaining to watch and makes it even more fun. LteBlight on the other hand does the voices in the way he thought they would sound like. Again, depending on the character. Both have very different ways of voice acting, but both come out very entertaining.

    The silent protagonist lets you picture your own mental picture of what the character is like in your own mind. Hell, I know a reviewer who makes his own stories for the silent protagonist and backgrounds just to make himself more immersed.
    Post by: Sara, May 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Sara
    To answer your question Nel:

    In third grade, the teacher was yelling at me every day. She was humiliating me every time she could and degrading me in front of the class. I have asbergers so I couldn't really fully express to my parents at that time what was going on. That and the club formed under my name that plain out hated me. The girl who stuck the stick in my spokes joined it with several others. I think they had a contest for a while to see who could do the most damage to me even. I already posted how that ended when I spoke about it above. Anyway, a teacher was walking by and overheard what was going on. She went to my mom and told her what the hell was going on in that school.

    My mom asked me after school and I agreed, I still don't really remember fully the incident. It faded over time, but I do remember the club mostly because my best friend at the time left me with a note saying she joined the club herself and what my mom told me. She went to a meeting with the teacher pissed and said if she ever did anything to me again, she would make her life a living hell in every way possible. She said later that the teacher thought she was going to hit her. The screaming and degrading stopped, but it never really ended until fourth grade with the bullying and that teacher threatening suspension if the kids bullied three times.

    I went to the Vice Principals office every day for most of my freshman year for the bully who was sexually harassing me. I had notes, verbal fights in the cafeteria in front the Vice's eyes, and incidents in the main hall. I told him again and again begging for help. I went to the Principal after the Vice Principal said he'd "talk to the bully" and it continued. He said let the Vice Principal deal with it. I then went to the Superintendent, and told her what was happening. She told me to basically get lost. I was there when my best friend went to the Vice Principal with a note from the bully saying that he'd rape her and kill her boyfriend because I was on the note also. Actual words, words saying what he would do, what he was planning, and that he thought we were just the c word. The Vice Principal patted us on the head and showed us to the door. Like I said before, she carried a knife around school for two weeks afterwards. Her father finally came in who was a lawyer and pretty intimidating when angry and ripped the school a new one. She was left alone after that.

    The second time it happened was in a classroom. I actually liked the teacher and thought he was pretty kind. Then this boy from across the room started calling: "Something stinks around here." Along with other comments I won't go into. I actually didn't know it was me until I was in the bathroom by myself one day and two girls from my class said it when I was getting out of the stall and they were staring and giggling uncontrollably. There was no one else in the bathroom at the time. He got more confrontational as time went on and I just ignored it mostly hoping the teacher would do something. After a schoolwide event, we got in a shouting match. The teacher finally lost it saying: "I'm sick of this now." And said if we ever said a word to each other again, he'd suspend us. I was too shocked to really say or do anything, or I think I would've stormed out from the fact that he blamed me for what was happening. It was a week before school ended.

    When school ended for the year, a few weeks in summer I was walking down my street, where I was out of sight of my house, and a car pulled up. I mean really pulled up, if I wanted to, I could've reached out and touched the car. The bully stuck his head out the window and said: "Something really stinks around here." And the car drove away before I could react. I was so freaked out by it that I didn't get the license plate. Which in hindsight was my fault. A few days later, we woke up to the sight of spit all over my mom's windshield. We called the school immediately asking for the kids information so we could call the parents and/or they'd call themselves. We called every hour with the promise: "He'll get right back to you."

    Finally around two, we got sick and tired of waiting. We called the police and told them everything that happened. The police actually said themselves they've seen this happen with several other kids in town who have been bullied in school. They offered us a restraining order and with the promise if anything else happened, they'd go and arrest the bully themselves. They also said that it would be the thing that would cause the school to take any action. We called the school armed with the information and told them exactly what we were planning on doing. They called us in five minutes and the problem was dealt with, them constantly telling us, and I quote: "You don't have to do anything, we'll fix it right away for you." And it finally ended.

    In my junior year, my ex-bf was in the same class as I was. We were assigned seats and I was in the front at the same table as he was. He was angry that I broke up with him and was dating another boy who was one of my best boyfriends of all time. He spent every day belittling and degrading and making scathing comments about me and my boyfriend in front of two boys who I think looking back at it felt very awkward. Note: This was in front of the teacher and she knew every single word that happened and she did nothing. I complained again to the vice principal several times complaining about it. Nothing happened and one day it reached a head when we were asked to write down our heroes. I wrote down my boyfriend who is schizophrenic because he had a hard time with it, but was a nice down to earth guy who you could never tell he had such mental problems other than a few times he tried to kill himself because of the medications not taking or something.

    My ex said in front of everyone within earshot of him: "You admire someone who tried to jump into the bonfire of homecoming?" Note, again in front a teacher, a substitute mind you. He then went on to continue saying stuff: "I'm going to jump into the fire!!! WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" I just burst into tears at that point and even the kids who were at the same table said that it was way to far. After class I was such a wreck and humiliated about it I stormed to my guidance counselors office and started screaming at him about it. He and my mom finally allowed me to go home for the next class because I couldn't calm down. When I went back to class for the rest of the day, I went to the teacher who's class I missed and told her everything. She was in tears at that point and said she wished she could do something. It was the only time in high school that I actually felt like a teacher cared other than my German teacher who helped me in any way he could in support.

    My mom apparently went to the mother of the bully and ripped her a new one about the treatment I was receiving and the bullying stopped. At that time, I decided to write a letter to my state representative and senator. I wrote most of what happened to me in high school and several other examples nationwide at the time and an appeal for help. I still remember most of the letter, which I will not share before you ask, it was mostly very personal for me and it's rough for me to talk about this anyway. He didn't reply for months and I just went through the motions of school.

    Then Columbine happened. I was on school break so I didn't know what happened until a few days later. But it shook me to the core, the fact that the kids who did it were severely bullied themselves shook me up even more. The same thing that happened to my brother was the same thing that happened to them, the only difference was that my brother didn't kill anyone nor kill himself. I went back to school and a few days into the week a call went over the speakers that the Vice Principal was needed in the office NOW!!! I heard a lot of shouting and chaos going on in the background and even the teacher made fun of the way that the call was presented. I never really thought much about it until the next day when I was at lunch and the Vice Principal was standing behind me with his arms crossed and constantly asking if I was okay. It was a little freaky and very funny to watch actually as it was the only attention he's ever given me outside of his office.

    A week later, I got the letter from the state representative's secretary in the mail. She wrote to me telling me that the representative was glad I wrote to him and that with these times they'd call the school themselves and deal with it. I was thrilled and stunned at the same time as I read it and burst into tears. I realized what the call over the intercom was at that point a few days ago. The bullying ended and I managed to get through school okay with no real problems, especially since it spread around quickly that I wrote the letter to the representative.

    I can't really comment on the other girl who got physically assaulted and it took three teachers to separate them as I wasn't there when they were handed their suspensions, but i know the girl was upset and the parents were taking legal action against the bully and the school.

    I do try to talk about it as often as possible in hopes that others would find some way to find help. Especially outside of the schools influence, but it's hard for me to write about especially my junior year. I hope it helps.

    Edit: I didn't see the quote. Apologies. I still want to keep the post up if it helps someone.
    Post by: Sara, May 19, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  7. Sara
    Like I sad in the above post though: A lot of schools want to deny it happens. I started living in the Vice Principal's office on how many times I went there and complained about bullies. Not to mention what happened to my friend, and when they do nothing like that, it really starts to eat at you in despair.

    The police most of the time can't get involved due to the circumstances these incidents happen in. If it's off school property, those bullies would be arrested in a second. But it's not, and the school ends up dealing with it. Which is never handled or when it is, it's handled so badly the person feels worse than they did before. I knew one of the nicest kids in my class, a freshman mind you got assaulted by a classmate who was a junior with three teachers who witnessed the whole thing and had to literally pry the two apart because the junior had a grip on her hair and ripped out a good portion. She was in my study hall that year and told us about it afterwards I also witnessed it myself when it happened, but didn't hear about the injuries.

    Do you know why she was assaulted? They had gym together and the girls t-shirt was stolen. Someone blamed the junior and one of the girls friends later told a teacher who spoke to the junior around lunch. Ten minutes later she goes storming to the girls face and starts screaming threats and insults including several swears and the girl pushed her in self-defense. The next thing you see is the junior grabbing her by the ponytail and yanking her head down and smashing her knee into her stomach. THAT'S when the teachers stepped in and stopped the fighting. And note: I saw this with my own eyes, I was actually there when the fight broke out.

    The junior who had temperament issues already and a long history of bullying including me was suspended for a week including the girl who was assaulted. When the girl got back, she got so many threats from the junior and her friends that she transferred schools and later on killed herself.

    Bullying needs police influence to be stopped. This happens in schools all over the country, schools have an iron grip on these children time and time again while they're on the property and this is what comes out of it. I can mention thousands of other cases of this happening, this subject is extremely sensitive for me and I know I sound repetitive, but this is one subject that for three years sent me through the depths of hell because I was in the same situation as these kids were in today in school. Things need to change to get bullying to stop. There needs to be police influence with assaults, sexual harassment and more teacher involvement. If teachers see this **** happening, they have to do something themselves.

    One of the only years I wasn't bullied was when a teacher gave a student three strikes before suspending them. This was in fourth grade, the year after that club was formed and I was destroyed inside from the affects of that year. She didn't care who your parents were, what you did, or what the school thought. She was tough as nails and I still admired her for doing something that most likely stopped the bullying for the most part for five years straight before high school. That's what one teacher can do if they decided to do things their own way, and I know it's hard, but tenure protects teachers from being fired. And I'm sure as hell those three teachers that stood idly by during that assault had tenure.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  8. Sara
    Leave it for the ancient people to feel old, dude...

    I was in m- Never mind when I started working here, lets just say it's been a long time.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sara
    lolz... Some did and hated the change... But it was something that had to be done. Especially with some of the fighting arising from the members who were trying to earn their posts without spam resenting the others.

    If you want a good example, I can bring up after we moved here and the coding section got out of control and I stopped the post count because of all the spam. We got the coders at the time which I think should be here and I give massive kudos to Evil Man for suggesting it because the section was driving me nuts with no real solution except closing it which I really didn't want to do due to it's popularity. *notes I'm babbling now* That was a hard decision and a lot of coders bugged me and probably RvR and Misty for ages about it until they changed it so the posts count again.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sara
    Anyone who's played basically any game ever made has seen this. What do you think is better? A silent or vocal protagonist? Or both? And why?

    I actually grew up in the 80's and 90's where it was a mostly silent protagonist. I have played modern games where the protagonist fortunately or unfortunately depending on the person's POV has spoken. Some of is really deep and thoughtful. It brings more depth to the character and more insight. I think a good example of this is .hack//Gu with Haseo where you can always hear his raw emotions deep in his voice but it can come out subdued and tired when need be. Some of it can be slightly annoying. Like for me Tidus's voice during most of Final Fantasy X because of how overemotional and sometimes whiny it got. Not including the laughing scene, a stark contrast to Haseo in Gu. Then it goes to where it was a gamekiller for me, mostly Mario's voice. And I know that some like Mario's voice, which I won't go to because of spam. Also the reason why I worry about the LOZ series going the same way. And yes, I know people do enjoy both voices and a lot of other ones like this, but my tastes don't, so I apologize if I offended someone.

    So I lean towards either, but it has to be a good strong voice without too much emotion. It has to show a good balance to it without going way too far.
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Sara
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sara
    Oh yeah, if no one has any idea what I'm talking about, look it up on youtube: Figure Eight, I'm Just a Bill, My Hero Zero and Three is a Magic Number is only a few. There's interjections, adjectives, conjunctions, I can spend all day listing them. They were a massive hit in the late 80's and early 90's. I still have their cd and pop it in when I get the chance. I just love the songs so much.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Music
  13. Sara
  14. Sara
    Agreed with your comments on XII, but like I said before: The licensing system did me in. I might have made it through if the battle system didn't get so convoluted for me and that I spent half of my time grinding looking for things to do the licensing system. The story was meh for me, and I know people liked it and the characters were okay mostly.

    Just a btw, Super Mario RPG was in the SNES. Unless you're talking about another game, I thought you should know. I think it's for the Virtual Console, but I'm not sure.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Sara
    Alright, time for the childhood days. And sorry if this is in the wrong section.

    When I was growing up during Saturday cartoons, there was two minute segments that was called: Schoolhouse Rock. It was edutainment at it's finest. The videos were massively entertaining and funny, the music was catchy and easy to remember. I still remember some of the lyrics to some of the songs off the top of my head and the lyrics themselves were hilarious. I went to a recent concert of it being held in a local park and felt like a kid again singing along with the music.

    Anyone else hear of these songs?
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Music
  16. Sara
    Actually, from what I hear, XIII is MASSIVELY popular in Japan. It being voted best game of the year and debated on the decade. I take your point on development time, and I see that with Kingdom Hearts, but with XIII they're coming out with ones every few years on a console. If you count XIV, they hit one game a year syndrome as I aptly call it where for a while they were making a game every year or two. Which when it was the NES and SNES it was fine, mostly. But now it can't be nearly as done with the development of games.

    Where some people hated the XIII mechanics, a lot of Japanese said it was better than VII overall.

    I do digress though, even if you have a straight hallway, appealing characters and great storyline can make it better. NPC's are one of my favorite things about games though. Some of the things that are said can be hilarious. One of my favorite NPC games hands down is Super Mario RPG and that DEFINED linear. There was little wiggle room to go anywhere but the characters in the towns and the ones in your party made it worth it. Where else would you find a cloud that thinks it's a frog that can't jump?

    That was another Square game along with Nintendo, btw.

    I do hope they wake up with this. I just don't see it happening, even when XII came out it was a disaster for me. Ever since I'd say the beginning of the PS2 era they started to show signs of wear.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Sara
    Probably the same reason that KHIII isn't out yet. They're trying to suck as much money out of the cow before they give the one that people REALLY want. They add tidbits to the plot, or not depending on what you look at. Granted, I never played KHDDD or Re: Coded, so I can't really say anything, but the games that jut cover the same material that's been out for years with a few add-ons to the story so you'll keep on buying until the market is nearly dry. Granted, not all games are like this. BBS was fantastic plotwise and added a lot to the KH universe, so did Chain of Memories, debating you take in the ending. I can see this happening for a while.

    Though at least it's better than X-2 where they just made a whole different plot because X ended on such a high note. I even heard XIII-2 ended with a massive cliffhanger or no conclusion. But I'm not sure.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Sara
    Recently I saw a video with a Internet reviewer who had an honest one-on-one with his fans about adblocker. It caused quite a stir amongst members of the website, so I'm curious, btw:

    Adblocker for those who don't know blocks most if not all ads including ads before a video starts. It usually is used to stop inappropriate ads and/or virus based ads. The problem when it comes to Internet Reviewers and/or Entertainers. People who use the Internet for strictly their jobs of making money by making videos and posting them for people to watch. This is their only source of income in most cases and it has gotten to the point where Blip made a screen saying that they won't start the video for 90 seconds unless you watch a sixty second ad.

    So I'm curious: Do you think that Ad Blocker should be used for Internet Reviewers and/or Entertainers? Why or why not? Do you think that people should take the videos without permission and post them on Youtube?

    And yes, I know about the Whitelist, and that there's some countries that don't allow ads like Canada, though it'd be interesting to hear the countries POV, I'm aiming towards countries where you have to watch the ads unless you have something like Ad Blocker.

    I have always supported anything I watch. Albeit their websites and/or a third party. I will sit down and watch the ads. I don't have much money and I want to support as much as possible for something entertaining that makes my day a bit better. I know this is their only income and if they had other income coming in they'd be no longer able to make the videos because of how much work eats away at time. So I will sit through any ad, that and in the U.S. at least the commercials are getting out of control anyway on television compared to online, but I digress.
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Sara
    I know a lot of people believe that bullying can be ignored. That they should be stronger than that. Unless you actually experience it or see the affects with your own eyes, you can't judge someone's reaction to being bullied. I know some people react different than others. But some cases it gets so bad that the victims don't see any other option other than killing themselves. They don't see any good or any end to it happening. It's different for each person, my bullying was severely scarring to me but my mom says that my brother had it worse because of what happened to him. Who do you think is right?

    It's like the thread about comparing tragedies: You can't compare someone else's experiences with your own. You can't say which one is better or worse. Each one affects each person differently. You can't judge someone for their own reaction unless it's something that is terrible say: Someone's beating a child/dog and the person is laughing. Because they will always react differently than you to something that is going on. Unfortunately, I think it's a mindset in society today to have them stronger and/or better than that. That you have to show them it doesn't hurt you and you shouldn't say anything. Hell, I know some people like rape victims from above get blamed for being bullied that they're doing something wrong themselves and causing the problem themselves.

    I work at a place where I get verbally abused and harassed a lot by a co-worker. I've complained three times to my boss about his attitude towards me and am actually thinking about taking legal action next time. The boss the last time took me for a walk because I was a shaking crying wreck in front of her and spent the fifteen minute walk trying to figure out what I was doing wrong to make him hate me so much. I have barely said three words to this man for the four years that I've been there, I've been polite and respectful even when he's screaming in my face and verbally badmouthing me behind my back. I do my work and keep my head down. She knows this and I've told her this yet she still blames me for his hate towards me. It's sadly a part of life.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sara
    I never had enough money to pay for the licenses, the armor, the magic and everything else that required money. I grinded for hours and hours trying to get enough items to get the money, then the equipment, then the license points, then using the license points, then grind again for money. It became very monotonous for me and even though some people found "tricks" around it, I never really did and got tired of the grinding.

    Not really, the linearity in Final Fantasy used to be nothing unless it was: "Hey, you can't go past here because of a plot specific reason." Hell, II I remember if you went in the wrong direction in the beginning of the game you'd end up with monsters a hundred times stronger than you and killed you in one blow. There was nothing stopping you from going that direction, though that's a bad thing if you have no idea where you're going.

    Linearity is okay in some aspects, but a straight line, which though Final Fantasy X did have a lot of exploration in the areas you could go just went from point A to point B a lot isn't something that really appeals to someone like me who loves exploring. Final Fantasy VI and VIII had vast worlds that you could stumble unto something by accident without really knowing. The first time I played VII I hit Yuffi's village poorly prepared because I had no idea it was there. It adds more adventure where you can just sink your teeth into a world and explore with only a few plot reasons to stop you. But that's just my POV.
    Post by: Sara, May 18, 2013 in forum: Gaming