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  1. Misty
    That actually wasn't a vector I did, it was a series of illustrations done for a Columbian book exchange. They're really great!

    Speaking of which though I reinstalled Rainmeter last night...

    View attachment 40608

    Art cred to this fabby tumblr, yes I have a problem
    Post by: Misty, Oct 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Misty
    Yeah yeah Wednesday podcast because I'm a piece of garbage.

    Hello everyone and welcome to yet another episode of the KH-Vids Podcast. Your usual hosts -- @Misty, @Llave, and @libregkd -- are joined by @Calxiyn and @Plums to discuss video game graphics, at the behest of @Eric Luna !

    As per usual we begin with some Kingdom Hearts news and updates, including the official translation of the Re:Coded secret movie, the new Introducing the Magic trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2.5, and the announcement that Kingdom Hearts 3 is now running on Unreal Engine 4. The latter piece of news feeds into our larger discussion, where we cite some of the games that have impressed us over the years, the influence of MoCap and facial capture in video games, the uncanny valley, the benefits of stylized graphics versus photorealistic, and finally the influence of environments and environment design on a gaming experience.

    After that we move along into our user-submitted questions! @Eric Luna has us reminisce about childhood, @Graxe asks what we would add to a KHV Giferator (the original @Mish pic is cited, along with Kairi ♥ licking a certain Kingdom Hearts character, and @Stardust 's creepy doll), @Hayabusa makes us fuse with another KH-Vids member, and we build a special Halloween playlist for @Sweeney Tummer !

    It's a fun filled episode and we encourage everyone to listen, comment, and participate in the podcast!

    View attachment 40607

    Download Episode #68 (MP3)
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    Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
    Thread by: Misty, Oct 15, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Misty
    Not study at all
    Post by: Misty, Oct 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Misty
    Which IKEA desk is it? I did one of those "choose your own stuff" deals, where you just pick out the table top, legs, etc. I got a drawer unit with mine so that seriously jacked up the price but you can get a nice desk for like $50 (give or take depending on which legs you select & how large a surface you want).
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    I made this.
    I was, sort of. Sometimes I do vectors for fun. The Kairi thing is technically complete but it's a bit funky, I wasn't doing it for anything in particular though so no big.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Misty
  7. Misty
    i have seen this a million times and I laugh during every single one of them
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    A Low and Distant Sound Gradually Swelling and Increasing by Shane Carruth (Upstream Color OST)
    Post by: Misty, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Misty
    I would gladly my dear but I cannot, in good conscience, steal you away from Lexi
    Post by: Misty, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    I don't know I've never spoken to one
    I have been attacked by several
    Post by: Misty, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Misty
    i am afraid of dogs
    Post by: Misty, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Misty, Oct 12, 2014
  13. Misty
    You can get an IPS with a low response time, just shell out several hundred dollars

    what could be the problem
    Post by: Misty, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    Been meaning to hop on this train, glad to hear it has Below's approval
    Post by: Misty, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Misty
    make mr. white fight jesse pinkman do it do it
    Post by: Misty, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    In the past (I'm talking years ago) I've been critical of online relationships. I suppose I didn't really understand them. I felt there was something slightly... superior about the way some people would insist that they're able to build a deeper, more personal connection because they met online or are exclusively online at the moment. I got into some arguments with people here about it which I do regret, though the idea still does concern me slightly. Many would insist that they have been able to get to know their partner without being consumed by the distractions of lust or desire. Lust and desire, though, can be pretty big distractions even if you're just text chatting. It's also very easy to curate a persona online -- which, it is offline as well, but it's easier online. The disconnect between the person you've been chatting with and the person you would be talking to in the flesh can be slightly jarring, and if you hope to one day transition to a local relationship, it is a divide you'll have to deal with. It can be overcome, of course.

    People have also argued that their relationship is somehow 'better" because it was not initially based on physical attraction. That irks me as well -- it's perfectly possible to strike up a conversation with someone because you find them physically attractive and find that you also connect on a personal level, both offline and online. One need only scroll through our PYP thread here and find dozens of lovely faces. People might say it's vain and perhaps it is but having some level of physical attraction is important to me. Clicking on a physical or sexual level is important to those sorts of relationships (not to exclude asexual people, who can of course have fulfilling and just as legitimate and genuine romantic relationships).

    Nobody in this thread have really done either of these things but unfortunately, having been on this site for like... ever, every opinion I've ever had is documented and some people might remember me saying some of these things so I felt it important to mention lol.

    I started to change my tune when a friend of mine became involved with someone online and I saw what a genuine relationship it was. Eventually I did get involved with someone here and experienced firsthand what it's like to meet someone online that you just click with and want to be with. From the very start though I heavily doubted my ability to be in a relationship in general, let alone an online one, and eventually broke things off because of it. Because it's hard. It's really, really ****ing difficult, which anyone will tell you if you're thinking of starting one but I don't think it can be overstated. Physical intimacy can add a lot to a relationship and I don't just mean sexually. Being able to kiss or hold someone, it's important to me, especially because I'm not so good with words. It's a medium of expression that online relationships inherently lack. You also have this ability to completely drop off the face of the earth online, that one day your partner might block you on every site and you'll never hear from them again, or that you've been catfished or something. These extremes probably happen a very small percentage of the time but it's a lot easier online than off. I'm a very non-confrontational person and I do deeply regret doing this but, when I started to think that I had to end the relationship I was in, I did pretty much avoid the person entirely for a few weeks and it was scary how easy it was.

    There are also a lot of looming questions to online relationships, like when you'll be able to meet, what you'll tell people, whether you'll be able to handle a complete lack of visits or the occasional ones (because leaving one another after a visit I'm told can be extremely taxing), and so on. Maybe I overthink these things and let them interfere with the day to day of the relationship but they're also questions you can't really avoid forever, unless you intend to remain exclusively online. Depending on the distance between you -- which, in my case, was significant -- there's also the issue of, if you get serious, who would move where, to say nothing of the dedication it can take to remain faithful to that person. We're a site composed mostly of teenagers so to put these enormous questions on people who are still in high school or college (or at that age) is a huge burden. I wasn't willing or able to put my life on hold or plan my life around an online relationship; I felt I was, and still am, in a position in life where I have the immense opportunity to do and become the person I want to be and I wasn't prepared to make the sort of commitment a serious online relationship might require. I suppose that might not sound like love to some people but I did love this person.

    I got a bit more personal than I intended but given what an experience it was for me I do have a lot of thoughts about the subject. I do believe they can work and that there are people who can make it work and people who can't. I ultimately decided I was a person who can't. If you're considering starting one but have reservations, just know that it's not a simple decision, that there will be a lot of difficult questions that you'll basically have to deal with right off the bat, and that society's standards of relationships haven't really caught up to the speed and extent to which the internet has changed our relationships with others (namely that it's even possible to have a relationship with someone hundreds or thousands of miles away). I don't think I would get involved with someone online again, but I also don't regret having done it.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  17. Misty

    to the Code Vault, as you're proposing hacking the game.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Misty
    Yeah, but most capture cards still support component (since the PS3 is still a big console). Plus it's not that hard to bypass HDCP... ;)
    Post by: Misty, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  19. Misty


    If I remember correctly Microsoft wants to adjust their OS releases to be more like Apple's; that is, keep the base name (OSX) and release smaller, inexpensive (or even free) updates. Apple does this with names (I think the current one is Snow Leopard? I don't keep up with Mac news much though) which is more appealing to some consumers and I could see Microsoft going that route (sort of like it being Windows Vista rather than Windows 6 or something).

    Microsoft is just way too erratic with their nomenclature. For a while they were sticking with giving their OS releases names, sort of like Apple (Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista). Windows 7 onwards just ****ed things all up, because a lot of people assume that Windows 7 is a version number. It's not. Windows 7 is actually Windows NT version 6 or something (I'm sure there's a more detailed version number but I don't know it off the top of my head). Windows 8 made it even more weird because it seemed like they decided "okay, we'll stick with making these version numbers even though technically it's not our internal version number," especially after 8.1. Now it seems they've decided to throw that out the window (hehe) yet again and skip straight to "Windows 10."

    Their reasons for skipping 9, I don't know. I don't believe the whole "it's so huge we are skipping straight to 10!!!" for a moment, as nobody really should. Windows 10 doesn't look like it will be a huge departure from W8, imo, but I can understand why they wouldn't want to make it 8.2 just because 8 has such a bad reputation and they want to separate themselves from that. Sense would then demand they just go to Windows 9, but if they intend on making Windows 10 a long-term thing (and do releases like Windows 10.1, Windows 10.2, etc., or name them like Apple does), I can see them wanting to skip to 10 in order to "compete" with OSX. I don't think the average consumer really equates OSX with OS10 but that's my best explanation.

    To answer the original question, though, I really like Windows 8 soooooo there's that.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    Right now pins in general are kind of in a weird place. Chevalier was previously handling/in charge of them and since he left we've not really been too proactive about getting them together again. I know we've had some plans cooked up as to how we might change the system and get them rolling again but nothing that we've put into action quite yet (and I won't give any specifics just in case plans do change). So in short, we don't really have plans for CO pins this year -- though the desire to have a separate pin for each year is totally justified for our repeat dungeon runners and definitely is noted.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance