I think you'll be pleasantly surprised in the next few days... ;)
I've stayed away from viewing anything much about the game simply because I've wanted to play it since it was announced and generally attempt to avoid spoilers. I know it's not meant to be terribly scary, perhaps only a bit unsettling at times, but I am a chicken baby.
These are precisely why I will stay away from gambling in real life -- I got super addicted to them and I fear they've given me unrealistic expectations for the success rate of my gambling endeavors. I'll stick to lining up Pikachu faces.
Look at all these games I'm too afraid to play! Catherine for $7 though, I might have to jump on that... I'm dying to play the game but I'm scared.
Wake by The Antlers It was easier to lock the doors and kill the phones than to show my skin because the hardest thing is never to repent for someone else, it's letting people in.
y'all aren't EXPLAINING at all now WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT You know how sometimes you listen to a song a lot during a period of your life and from then on you just constantly associate that song with that time? It's quite difficult, for me, because this is a beautiful song -- one of the best -- by my favorite band, and I can't seem to entirely disassociate it from my senior year of high school -- the album released on November 14th but I got it early as a preorder bonus, probably on the 7th. Either way, not long before my birthday, and it was one of the saddest birthdays I've ever had. The entire evening all I could do was think back to my 16th, how I couldn't stop smiling, how I felt so surrounded by love and friendship and understanding, and how bleak this year felt. I felt trapped in my town, in my school, with the few friends I'd held onto but was trying to slither myself away from. Though not yet aware of it I'd fallen quite hard for someone who would never love me back, not that I resented them for it, but had I known how they would react and treat me in the wake of it... I don't want to say it'd change my feelings, in fact I'm quite sad to say it wouldn't have. It was sick love, desperate love, love you could only feel when you're at your very lowest point; love that somehow found a way to be selfless and selfish at the same time. I earned my emo cred with that one and really, what'd you expect from an album called Hello Sadness? And the next one? The next one is the song that saw me out of it. "Well I don't wish that I was dead, A very old friend of mine once said that either way you look at it, you have your fits, I have my fits, but feeling is good. And confusion's not a kidney stone in my brain, if we're miscommunicating, do we feel the same? Well either way you look at it, you have your fits, I have my fits, but feeling is good."
It's just... the smell and the fur everywhere and I'm sorry but animals licking me is GROSS and I have no urge to experience that Which... then I think that it really falls on Sony to entice people, even if they're just paying devs to localize their games. It'll be something to hopefully attract people to the Vita. y-yes the belts I do love Ann but only sometimes! Her characterization just got really rocky and erratic overall. I do love Rashida Jones and the character, generally, though. It may be better that way, Scorpios are notoriously one of the most difficult and complicated of signs, besides perhaps Taurus lol. ( and trust me, scorpios and tauruses do noooooot mix well )
Ha, I'll have to actually beat the secret bosses! I've actually never done so, but for this playthrough I used a save editor to get me to level 100 from the start so I could fly through the game, so it's a great possibility. I do have the Sepiroth scenes in there so it only makes sense to grab the rest, especially the Xemnas scene. Maybe I'll try grabbing them when I go back in for the secret endings. For that you'll have to ask @Karuta, he's the one working on them!
I'VE BEEN ATTACKED BY AND OTHERWISE HAVE HAD NOTHING BUT BAD EXPERIENCES WITH DOGS IN MY LIFE I'M SORRY please don't go ;~; Likewise! There's something beautiful about the idea of just pulling out my Gameboy and playin' some Pokemon with my pals no matter where! Same, though I do have hopes for the Vita. It's a situation where someone has to make the first move... people outside of Japan won't buy a Vita until there are more games on it, and Japanese developers won't release their Vita games outside of Japan unless there are more Vita owners worldwide. That's why I hope that Sony will start to push Remote Play very heavily -- it will, hopefully, push more people to buy Vitas, which means more developers will start to see the Vita as a viable platform. Yeah I don't really know why Nintendo chose to stagger the release... I suppose they were expecting more people to want the game on Wii U and were hoping that releasing it on the 3DS first would get people to buy the 3DS version? But really what it's done is just make people wait, as you said. How did I forget about Aqua!? Yuna I would love to be best friends with, not so much soul mates. Lulu, on the other hand... View attachment 40633 I like to imagine myself a nice middle-point between April and Leslie so I think Andy would be well-suited to me. c: I was going to reply to this saying "ayyy Scorpios in the house!" but I think you're outside the date range for Scorpios so whutevaaaaah
View attachment 40632 Today I'm excited to announce an exciting and long-anticipated addition to our Cutscene Archive... scenes from Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, presented in lovely 1080p HD, for your viewing and editing pleasure! For some time now the sole scenes we've had available from Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix have been from the Japanese release, recorded by @Mixt over a year ago. With Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix now upon us, I've kicked my butt into gear to personally provide you all with the HD scenes you've been waiting for. Of course, there was a steep learning curve for me, which was part of the delay! I can't tell you how many times I started recording from the game, found a better recording process, then started again from scratch. Still, I feel it was all worth it -- they're some mighty nice lookin' videos! Each video is encoded using H264 for maximum quality and compatibility, and is available in both AVI and MP4 format (choose whichever works best for you -- quality-wise, they're identical!). Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix's native resolution is 1440x810 for most cutscenes (the FMVs are 720p), so the videos have been slightly stretched to 1080p for ease and familiarity. But really, seeing is believing -- so check out one of the videos, uploaded to our YouTube Channel: Now I will warn you that just a few videos are missing -- I still have to grab the secret endings, Another Side, Another Story and Deep Dive, but it shouldn't take long! As such, we've yet to put up the bulk download links until we have a complete collection. Once that's finished, I'll set my sights on Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, while @Karuta continues plugging away on videos from Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix. The videos are available for stream and download via our Cutscene Archive... If you make some rad Kingdom Hearts videos of your own, please submit them to our Video Portal, and learn about how you can get them featured on our homepage through the newly-rebooted Top 5! Find a broken or misleading link on the page? Need help? Feel free to post in either this thread or our Feedback & Assistance section.
It's Tuesday and you know what that means! Time for a new episode of the Podcast! This week @Misty and @libregkd are joined by staff guest @Plums and member guest @Mish to discuss handheld consoles, inspired by their recently plummeting sales. We begin by reminiscing about the handhelds of yore, (namely the Gameboy and the PSP), then speculate about the future of the PS Vita and the 3DS. Will these former stalwarts of the gaming industry continue to have a place in the next few years? Or will they too join the graveyard of devices replaced by smartphones? Only time will tell, but that doesn't mean we can't make some predictions! Following that we answer user-submitted questions! @Eric Luna inspires some bathroom humor, @Graxe wonders about our weight on other planets, @Sweeney Tummer gives our censor noise its proper praise, @Robiɳ asks us about our Halloween plans, and finally, @Plums forces us to select just one fictional character to become our best friend / soulmate. In short, we confront the real questions on the KH-Vids Podcast once again! Please everyone enjoy the episode, and participate by sending in questions, submitting to be a guest, suggesting a topic, or just leaving us a comment! View attachment 40629 Download Episode #69 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
As this site seems to be hosting copyrighted material, to download it would be to violate that (and against the rules of the site). You'll have to look elsewhere.
Just bumping this to say I believe our gif issues are fixed! Had some updates done on our server that should sort them out. I just tested several different gifs, of different sizes and from different sources, and each one worked perfectly. Have fun~
The post on the PS Blog doesn't seem to advertise that this is essentially a heroine sale! All of the discounted stuff has either a female protagonist or a major, empowered female character. It's awesome. I think I said it in the spam zone already but I grabbed Portal 2, Mirror's Edge, and Bayonetta for $15 total.
I should really get around to watching this
Yeah, we didn't start doing weekly podcasts until I took over the podcast, which was earlier this year! I think #38 or #39 was the first one in the new ~era~ of the podcast. They're called Xiu Xiu if you want to look them up! They're freaky, seriously I can't emphasize that enough. Know what you're getting into lol. I'm so upset this is an Xbox One exclusive because I love the look of it! I've actually yet to play Child of Light, but I was looking at TVs at Best Buy recently and one of them had a PS4 hooked up to it. I fired up the Child of Light demo and wow.
Must be an iOS issue, works fine on my Galaxy. Will have to dig up my old iPhone.
HOLY **** I KNOW, I just recorded that scene a few days ago and met it in fresh HD horror. It's really bad, like so bad that I don't know how that got passed the dev team or whoever had the power to change the scene, saw it, and thought "this is fine this is okay." The trailer that plays when you leave the menu idle? That's interesting! I was hooked when I saw some bits from the opening FMV on Disney Channel (lol), I mean I think that the menu trailer probably would have brought me in too (Disney characters woah) but I've not heard anyone cite that before haha.