The release date was also announced as December 18th of 2015. Kinda sad they didn't go with May 4th but that's way too soon if they've only just finished shooting. Hopefully we'll get some more details on the film now.
Banquet (Unmixed) by Bloc Party
Dress by Sylvan Esso
Luno (Bloc Party vs. Death from Above 1979) by Bloc Party
try taking a spin class you filthy casuals
Content-wise I can't really talk about it as I've yet to watch it. Nolan does of course have notoriety for his time at the helm of the Batman ship, which will draw some crowds, and fans of sci-fi will more than likely go too, but those are both pretty limited audiences. Not only that but as Tummer points out, good movie does not always mean good sales. I can see it getting middling to positive reviews, but the movie to see this weekend is Big Hero 6 (which has been coming in with critical acclaim to boot); once Big Hero starts to wane it has another big competitor on the 22nd with The Hunger Games, so it probably won't even draw many teenage crowds. Unfortunately releasing early in film bisects the crowds; the dedicated fans will go see it early, hurting its opening day sales -- that's good news for small theaters like mine but poor for large chains who can't show it in film. If the reviews come in and aren't great, many people will either pass over the movies for the weekend, go to Big Hero, or bide their time until Mockingjay.
Since Christopher Nolan likes to shoot in film, theaters that can show the movie in 35mm film rather than digital have the opportunity to get it early. He's a big name director so he can get away with that sort of thing. My theater has been showing it since last night. I think it's just a few hundred theaters across the country that are doing it since film has been otherwise completely eliminated from the industry as of this past August. Fair disclaimer, the movie is probably going to flop. It did really poor sales opening day for the number of theaters it was in ($500k gross my boss told me), and the studio is playing games with it to try to get theaters to hold onto it longer (which, if a movie does well, the theater tries to hold onto it -- they don't have to be forced). Opening weekend will probably be alright thanks to the hype but I think all the people who are properly hyped for it are probably going to an early screening if it's available in their area.
I've heard of her before and am of course impressed that a young woman was elected to any kind of political office, though I was upset to hear that she's actually extremely conservative on many issues, including abortion. That doesn't jive too well with me but democracy and all I guess. Still pretty cool.
I hope you don't mind Sabby, I updated the OP with the video (thanks @iwantedtoexplode), a labelled image, and some more details on each item. It's available exclusively through the official KH site, so no. I'm not too taken with it. It'd be a nice purchase if you don't own 1.5 yet, but even then, I'm not a fan of the packaging. The Japan-only Collector's Pack had a much classier design. The steelbook is nice but I love the original covers for 1.5 and 2.5 so I wish they'd feature them instead of old art. The Shadow plush is cute though, he'd make a nice companion for my Meow Wow plush.
Pride & Prejudice has been my favorite novel for some time (though 1Q84 has been lately competing for the crown!). It's my favorite of Austen's novels, even though I consider Emma her best (I've read all but Mansfield Park). On that score I can definitely recommend it; Elizabeth Bennet is one of the most important female characters in Western literature, and certainly in 19th century British literature. Austen's irreverent wit and style shines here while offering a mature, nuanced, and still shockingly applicable look at a women's place in society, marriage, courtship, etc. -- but it's also a lot about personal development and self-realization and love. As someone invested in women's rights and someone with my fair share of sisters, it does strike a more emotional note with me; Lizzie is one of the characters in literature I relate most to and I was naturally engrossed for that reason. If you're not accustomed to the era, Pride & Prejudice can be a bit of a doozy to get through. There's enough going on, plot-wise, to keep you interested, even if some of the humor and commentary flies over your head (it definitely did my first few times reading it), but it's also not a short book. If you're at all interested in English society in the 19th century (and women's place within it in particular), or literature in general, it's pretty much a must-read. If you're a writer (or aspiring writer!) I also really recommend it, at the risk of sounding pretentious I think I learned a lot from Austen's style and she's an absolute master of character development. Pride & Prejudice might seem a bit like it's been over-hyped given how popular it is but I truly believe it's one of those timeless novels that can stand up to any kind of hype or time, for me at least. And if it's any consolation, I couldn't get through more than a chapter of Little Women!
I'm enjoying the heck out of this show! It's such a clever narrative structure, to continue flashing forward to the Big Bad Thing, revealing key details and progressing it along the way. I was actually quite surprised to discover that (latest episode spoilers, I think) Annalise wasn't the one to kill Sam. I don't think it was Wes or Rebecca, they just seem too obvious, but I also can't imagine which of the group it was if not them. I'm also loving Liza Weil in it (Bonnie). She played Paris in Gilmore Girls and is just as, if not more, fantastic in HTGAWM.
Yup, I know! As I think I mentioned in the description, we recorded this podcast like... the day before all the Marvel announcements came out haha There's a reason Parks & Rec is one of my favorite shows! I was referring to this, actually: real talk Oh, I know! And having read some of those novels, I think my fanfiction is at least on par with them. ;D It wasn't just the first scene though! I know you've read this since you replied but I stand by the points here: This all said, it was a fun movie that I could enjoy -- but like I said, I can't really just shut off my head and ignore all this stuff either. It interferes with my enjoyment of what would probably otherwise be my favorite Marvel film. And you're allowed to like it! You don't have to agree with all the points raised (though things like women objecting to the term ***** or whore I think is their call to make, language-wise). It's sort of the same thing going on with the Gamergate business... bringing up and acknowledging issues with the representation of women within the movie doesn't mean you hate the movie or even that you dislike it! It's a form of analysis, of criticism, which we should absolutely allow and do to our favorite things. Whether or not those issues affect your enjoyment of the work varies from person to person. I'm not really sure what positive representations you're talking about? At this point I don't remember the movie too clearly but that they haven't stuck in my head is telling. I've not seen the TV series, read any comics, or even seen the live films! Well, aside from the one with Heath Ledger, which I enjoyed, and the one with Arnie but I have enough sense not to judge him on that basis. I just really don't find anything at all compelling or interesting about Batman... but that also kind of extends to most superheros. When I browse the comic shop I pretty much steer clear from the superhero ones. I just don't think they're for me, unless it's for camp. I actually think that's why people are still talking about it! It was just so weirdly hyped and I mean... I don't want to say it was bad or anything because I don't know but it's just not as big as everyone seemed to expect it to be. Feel free to submit them as topics! We just kind of jump into the discussion and I didn't really want to dub in myself explaining the entire thing, since that'd take a long time, but I planned to include some good articles about it when I post it! I do love Pacific Rim! Sorry for the late replies everyone! I updated my status about this but my laptop is currently busted and I'm working from a less-than-optimal setup right now. Replacement parts will be in Wednesday and I'll be back to normal, but this means no episode this week, and that I'mma have to delay Rant Hour a bit more.
Laptop screen is broken, might be out of commission for a little while!
That's when our cron jobs run; the server probably gets overloaded. If this doesn't alleviate the issue I'll play with those.
All done! Search should be functioning as usual.
A fashionably late podcast, just for you! In wake of the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer, the KH-Vids Podcast sits down to discuss superhero movies, both past and upcoming, from both DC and Marvel. @Misty and @libgrekd are joined by @Kairi ♥ and @Skyheart to discuss Guardians of the Galaxy, the lack of a Black Widow movie, Avengers, Catwoman, Superman, and Batman, and many more! Please do note that this episode was recorded this past Sunday, so we do not cover the recent announcement of Marvel's Phase 3 movies, which include a Black Panther and a Captain Marvel movie. As such, one of our major topics of discussion -- the diversity, or lack thereof, in Marvel movies -- is altered, but it's a good listen all the same! We also, as always, answer user-submitted questions! @Eric Luna makes us contemplate our mortality, @Graxe our personhood, and @Plums our forum memories! Finally, I plus our latest Cutscene Archive update, which features scenes from Kingdom Hearts Final Mix in gorgeous 1080p. On top of that, we introduce an exciting new addition to the KH-Vids Podcast... but we'll let you listen to find out what it is! We're cruel like that. Please everyone interact with us by submitting questions, submitting topics, applying to be a guest, or simply leaving us a comment! Thanks and enjoy! View attachment 40672 Download Episode #70 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
At first I was doubtful but after the move to Unreal Engine 4 and the general ease of multi-platform titles this gen, it's seeming more like a possible reality. It's no secret that Square could use all the money and sales they can get, and releasing to the PC would obviously expand their market. At the end of the day I think Final Fantasy XV will be the deciding factor, since I think Square is going to be using its release to speculate for Kingdom Hearts 3. If FFXV has mediocre to poor sales on the PS4 and XBO, I can see it either getting its own PC port (and KH3 following), or Square just deciding to try to avoid that with KH3 and port it to PC.
View attachment 40664 Don't worry, it's nothing too fancy! Over the next few days we'll be doing some upgrades to our server setup. Because we're such a large site, we run an add-on called Enhanced Search that allows our database to be searched far more efficiently than the standard site search. Those who were on the site before we had Enhanced Search will well remember how searching was near impossible, so we're glad to have this addition! This server maintenance will free up some of the resources used by Enhanced Search (it's a rather intensive add-on) by running it on its own dedicated server. We've noticed the site does get sluggish during the late night / early morning. Hopefully this maintenance will alleviate some of those issues. So what does this mean for you guys? Very little! Following said maintenance, the site search will function the same as before, and you should expect little to no interruption to the site during this time. If anything, the search might be out of commission for a little while. Just wanted to warn you all in advance. Thanks everyone!
Yup using the Kingdom Key was a big priority for me! It can detract from a really serious scene when all of a sudden Sora is waving the Sweet Memories keyblade around (which is a KH2 keyblade but still). Yup will grab that too! There is a link on the archive, though, it just took the place of the original KH1 scenes -- the page does need to be updated to reflect that they're in HD, though, and they need to be added to the KH HD box. I'm pretty certain the scene with Phil and Herc is in Olympus second visit? But I'll take a look at the rest!
I'll get on it! I have to go back and get the secret endings so I can re-record this. Thankfully I had the foresight to make a loooot of saves.