It wasn't clear whether the Nomura art would be for the singles collection or the cover album, neither of which are "new" releases exactly but still cool! I love covers.
View attachment 40795 As part of her 15th anniversary celebration, Utada Hikaru will put out two major releases: a cover collaboration album featuring various artists as well as a collection of singles from her career. Both albums will release in Japan on December 9th, though no official tracklisting has been revealed just yet. While Utada has contributed two fantastic songs to the Kingdom Hearts series, Hikari/Simple & Clean and Passion/Sanctuary, shortly after the release of Kingdom Hearts II she seemed to have severed her contract with Disney, much to our dismay. Utada Hikaru's upcoming albums, however, will feature art by none other than Tetsuya Nomura! Check out the full image by clicking the thumbnail below, and check the bottom left corner to see a a Kingdom Hearts-style command menu in the water! View attachment 40792 Nothing has been officially announced, but this seems like a great way to tease Utada's return to the Kingdom Hearts series. Will we see a new, original song of hers for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III? Might they use a previously released track of hers that has yet to appear in the game (my bid is on Heart Station)? Or is Nomura just doing a favor for a friend? Let us know what you think! Sources: FF-Reunion, UtadaHikaru.JP
I've considered doing a sort of novelization of KotOR as well -- I think series like KotOR and Mass Effect are so wonderful for that, because...
Glad to have persuaded a listener! ha. We weren't originally planning to discuss KotOR but it seems I have difficulty going through an episode...
Can I ask why you need a keyboard protector in the first place? I'm not surprised they have limited availability because I've never heard of anyone using one. If you get your dirty often, I'm pretty sure Logitech makes a washable keyboard.
I updated our media sites add-on because we were having issues with the SoundCloud one, didn't realize an amazon one was included. I've disabled it.
I read a plot synopsis before the book came out (it leaked online heh) and was absolutely horrified by the contents, to the point where I...
Before the RCM came out I'd spent a pretty hefty amount of time looking at everything Obsidian was forced to cut from TSL, from what I understand...
Not yet! I originally played the games on Xbox and haven't gotten around to replaying KotOR 2 on PC. I know most of the contents of the TSL RCM...
AYYYYYYYY I am KHV's resident KotOR fan so definitely hit me up if you want to discuss literally anything about it. I also love to read (and write oh boy) fanfiction about it so if that's your steez definitely post it up in the Writer's Nook! Otherwise welcome to the site, I've seen you around (and meant to say something about your icon haha) so I already know you're fitting in well but if you have any questions feel free to ask~
The amount of adaptations of Pride & Prejudice really speaks to its timeless quality. It can be a book faithful one, like the BBC mini-series or the 2005 Keira Knightley movie (the latter of which is probably my favorite adaptation), or a modern-day adaptation (The Lizzie Bennet Diaries or Bridget Jones's Diary), and its still massively enjoyed and consumed. I'm a bit stingy in that I always prefer reading the book first, especially if you don't know how it ends, but some of these adaptations are really good. If you choose to go this route, I'd stay away from the BBC mini-series -- it's really long and omits basically nothing from the book, so if you're having trouble getting through the book, you'll have trouble getting through this. Bridget Jones's Diary takes enough liberty with the plot and its adaptation that I think it's pretty safe to watch it and still enjoy & be surprised by the book. It's a really funny movie too! One of my favorites, Pride & Prejudice or not. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is good and I know that's how a lot of people these days are getting into Pride & Prejudice (and Emma as well since they did a series on it, I didn't watch it though so I can't speak for it), but for whatever reason I think it's a bit more enjoyable when you've already read the book now that the full series is out. Finally, I think the best recommendation would be the 2005 movie. It is my favorite adaptation so my rec is colored by that but I have good reason. It's very faithful to the book and really doesn't take all that much out, plot-wise. There are of course many condensed scenes and such but nothing unreasonable for a book to movie adaptation. But I also think it does an incredible job of capturing the emotional power of the novel and the development of the characters, far better than any other adaptation I've seen. I think it really gives the most well-rounded look at the novel, while still leaving enough out that you could enjoy a reading of the novel after seeing the movie.
@Jayn join us in the gay
Oh yeah I feel you on not wanting to spoil anything, I've never played an episodic game so I don't know whether this would work for them but using something that happens early in the game is a safe bet. Like for Kingdom Hearts, talking about how the game sets sort of a dark, brooding atmosphere with the Dive to the Heart level, then jumps into the lighthearted Destiny Islands level -- how that's really a fantastic way of opening the game, as it balances the lightness of Disney with the darker nuance of Final Fantasy. Discussing things like that really doesn't spoil more than the first few minutes of the game while giving the reader an idea of what to expect majorly from the game. WordPress is nice because it's so flexible, there are thousands of themes and plugins to add to make it whatever you'd like. If it's just a hobby and you don't care about that level of control then no big, though again you can check out the (free) I haven't really done much with my set up (writing or design-wise, I'm just using a premade theme)
Jayn needs to change her icon to cartoon girls kissing because this seems like a Theme
It's not a significantly long read so I don't think you need any kind of headings, but I think using headings might push you to write a little more. Having not played the game, I felt your review was a bit surface -- you didn't convince me on why you loved the game or why you gave it a high score, and thus, I don't really feel an urge to play it. I think weaving in some more personal experiences with the game would be a real boon there, like you did when you talked about Snow White or how you played the main character. It can be difficult to do so without turning it into "Hayabusa's Play Diary" rather than a game review but I'm confident you can achieve a balance since the review is otherwise quite good. You do plenty of exposition and describing the game mechanics, but I'd just like to see a bit of a personal edge too. Remember, there are hundreds of game reviews and game review sites out there -- I want a personal flair that tells me "oh, this is a review of Hayabusa's," or that makes me want to read yours specifically (other than that you're a friend and it was linked here lol). I also do like it when sites do score breakdowns, it makes the system a little less aribtrary to me. The blog design is nothing special but it's also not unforgiveably bad, I'm sure you'll tweak and improve it as time goes on. +1ing WordPress though, that's what I use for the blog I'm setting up and pretty much what everyone uses. You can use it as a service like Blogspot through or go self-hosted, the latter is obviously better but you'd have to pay for hosting and junk lol. Whatever you're comfortable with is best though, it's the writing that matters.
I learned Photoshop before Illustrator, but the pen tool is pretty similar between the two. It's finicky but once you learn to use it properly you can make some really cool stuff.
The season was awful. If it was just one particular thing that was wrong it wouldn't be a train wreck.
Cosmia by Joanna Newsom Dried rose petals, red-brown circles, Frame your eyes and stain your knuckles. And all those lonely nights down by the river Brought me bread and water, water in, But though I tried so hard, my little darling I couldn't keep the night from coming in.
I don't watch it anymore, lost interest after the trainwreck of series 7.
That is true but things like the basic premise, when the movie is set (though we have an idea of that with the original cast being confirmed), and so on I'd at least expect. Basic things that you can glean from a trailer or something.