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  1. Misty

    Big Hero 6

    It varies largely on the studio (Disney) and the theater. Each theater works out a unique agreement when they pick up the film. The only way to find out would be to call your local theater and see how long they're confirmed for. Disney movies do tend to stay in theaters longer than others, but Big Hero 6 isn't doing near the kind of steady business Frozen did, so I don't think they'll have similar runs.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  2. Misty
    One of the best things to ever happen to me was taking over the work schedule. I rarely work before 3pm.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, I go to a two-year school as well. Through some poor planning on my part it actually took me 2.5 years to finish here (I'm in my last semester now), and I didn't want to transfer in the spring and needed to save money to transfer, so I'm taking a semester off. I'll also be moving a bit away regardless of where I go and waiting this extra semester enables me to take my sister with me. Honestly I'm pretty glad for it, it gives me time to really prepare for what a big change it is, and having my sister with me makes moving out a lot less scary.

    What I think distinguishes me from you, though, is that I know what I want to do career-wise and am really motivated to work towards it. I was concerned that, in taking time off from school, I might not return, as so many people do -- but given how much I love school and what I'm studying I don't think that'd be the case for me. From what you've written it doesn't sound like you really know what you want to do yet -- which is fine, but assuming you'd be working in whatever time off you take, it can be really easy to get stuck in that rut and just keep delaying.

    On the other hand, at a four-year school, I believe you'll have to declare a major which I'm sure is intimidating if you have really no idea what you want to do. You may end up wasting your time in a major that you find really isn't for you, then switching your major or even switching to a completely different school, which will delay your graduation and it could end up that college takes you the same amount of time it'd have taken if you did take a semester off now (that sentence probably doesn't make any sense).

    At the end of the day it obviously comes down to you but I think it's really hard to transfer if you don't know what you want to study -- you have pretty much no frame of reference for choosing a school. When I started looking at schools to transfer to, #1 on the list was "how well do they fit my degree program." I'm sure that's contributing to your dilemma. If you have a rough idea of what you want to study but you don't know what you want to do with it, like if you want to study art but you don't know what you want to do with that degree, I don't think delaying is necessary, because that's something you can discover along the way. If you're totally lost though I think it's perfectly fine -- good even! -- to take some time off to figure it out. If you do end up taking time off, though, I really recommend seeing if you can still take a few classes at your community college. Nothing too heavy since again I'm assuming you'd be balancing a work schedule with them, but pick subjects you've really enjoyed so far and see if anything resonates with you to the point where you say "I think I'd like to major in this." Even if that doesn't pan out, it'll still keep you in the school mindset to prevent the possibility of your not going back.

    There's a very real stigma here to students taking time off school for whatever reason and I think that's really unfair. Sometimes life comes up, sometimes you just need time to cool down -- it's okay! College isn't about just blowing through and getting your degree as soon as possible, it's a process that you need to take at your own speed and you should enjoy the experience. It's a time to explore yourself and your interests, and if you need to take a semester or two off to do that, that's totally okay.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Misty
    Yeah I have a lot of problems with the writing in Mass Effect 3. Kai Leng was definitely a joke but I think my biggest would be the lack of emphasis on and story behind your squadmates -- which, I get it, you've established them pretty well over the course of the previous two games, and Mass Effect 2 is basically "how to create great characters: the video game" (gee I wonder why I like it so much). But in ME3 they just feel like shadows of their previous selves -- aside from your love interest, Liara, Kaidan/Ashley, and the Citadel DLC, there's hardly any (meaningful) one-on-one interaction with them. In previous games, and BioWare games in general, I love observing my party members' individual character arcs and seeing how they develop, interacting with them and learning more about them. It makes the prospect of losing them much more gruesome, which is why it's so tough for me to imagine people dying at the end of ME2 (I saved pretty much everyone).

    And again, I get that it's the last in a trilogy and the characters are well-established by this point, but that doesn't mean they can't evolve. Let's look at Return of the Jedi -- probably the weakest of the original trilogy, but Luke, Han, and Leia all develop in meaningful ways despite being explored well in the previous films.
    I APPROVE, though I never liked Chambers much. She seemed like 2nd tier LI, but I never pursued her either.
    need I say more????

    No but for real, part of it is just that it looks so beautiful. Even if the gameplay and the story end up being crap I know it will be an amazing visual experience which is something that matters to me. The setting is really cool even if it's not terribly original. We don't know much about the story yet but basically the whole like... lore behind the Order is so interesting. Also this:

    I know I'm unreasonably hyped for the game and I don't really expect anyone to get quite to my level, ha. But in terms of PS4 games I'm pumped for this is presently top of the list.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 13, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Misty
    baby lotion actually

    High school was 6am everyday
    Post by: Misty, Nov 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    That's hella rough. I get up at 6am :c I hate taking early morning classes
    Post by: Misty, Nov 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Misty
    it is frankly a miracle that I am awake for school right now, I think I should be given an A in my classes simply for leaving my bed this morning
    Post by: Misty, Nov 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    Cold Nites by How to Dress Well

    Cold nites and harder days
    Bed to lie down, lay away
    Have a heart facing foreign places,
    Tired of seeing love, tired of waiting

    Massive track, especially when the drums kick in around 2:40.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    I still do listen to Rise Against from time to time! It's mostly a mood thing. I do need to catch up on their post-Sufferer releases, though.

    Hah, loaded question. I considered addressing it given @Beau 's response but chose not to... but I also know it's something I've discussed in bits and pieces several times before but never really fully addressed -- which I don't really plan to here, either, but to give a general idea, I've always had a bit of a suspicion. When I was in elementary school I did have a bit of a crush on a boy for a year or two, but after he found out in the third grade (I remember the day quite clearly, passing post-its during lessons like the eight-year-old badass I was) it pretty much dissipated, especially because the next year I met a girl who I was a bit obsessed with. It wasn't anything... creepy, like "I'm-going-to-follow-you-home" type obsessed, but I thought about her a lot and we had this sort of teasing & pretending to hate each other friendship that, upon reflection, probably explains the PB/Marceline obsession... I still kept up the idea that I was crushin' on the aforementioned boy and even invented a (male) celebrity crush for myself; it seemed like that was what I was supposed to be doing at that age, rather than reflective of any kind of interest or attraction.

    Through middle school it dipped down a bit since I lost touch with the girl I was talking about (though when I saw her from time to time it would crop up again), but I do have vivid memories of sitting next to a girl in 7th grade Spanish and being just really attracted to her and not having any idea why or what was going on with me. I would soon comfort myself with the reassurance that it was just curiosity and everyone was a little gay during puberty and I would grow into the nice straight lady I was meant to be.

    High school it also became less of a concern, I wouldn't say because it wasn't there but it wasn't really my top concern. I started to confront a lot of other, unrelated things during that time, mostly involving my parents' divorce and how I never really dealt with it, so romance wasn't really top of the list. I did see the girl from elementary school a lot one year, because we had pretty much every class together, and it felt like a normal friendship to me so I didn't really think much of it. In my senior year I also fell pretty hard for a guy and was massively depressed so girls weren't really on my mind then either.

    College is really when I started to feel able to shed a lot of my baggage from my childhood and teen years and start to formulate who I wanted to be for the next part of my life. Sexuality wasn't really too important to me considering some of the other things I was grappling with until I got involved with a guy. Until then I was... I guess I'll say sexually repressed? That sounds a bit extreme but I'm not sure how else to describe it. And I loved him and was into him sexually for sure. He would tease me a bit about my interest in girls, of which I was still pretty much in denial. In fairness I was playing Mass Effect when I was in the thick of it with him and if your self-described straight girlfriend suddenly develops a deep passion for a blue alien chick that'll probably start raising some flags for anyone. Things ended between us for unrelated reasons but after I moved on from it I started to more seriously question things... and then I started watching Adventure Time, and that's really when it just smacked me in the face. I make a conscious effort to include the role of media in this because I think it explains why media representation is so important to me, even if it sounds a bit silly to essentially say "Adventure Time made me queer."

    Moving along to today, I'm still a bit confused and don't quite know what the deal is. Now is probably as good a time as any to state this as ever, but this past weekend I pretty much just said **** it and started considering myself bisexual. My point for the personal history being, I don't think that if 11-year-old ... read this she would be too shocked. I mean, I remember in middle school, when I first heard the word bisexual, and thought "huh, that sounds... kind of like me." Since it's taken me, and is still taking me, time to come to grips with that I don't think it would have been met with complete acceptance, of course. But the recent questioning has sort of made me look back onto my childhood and reframe my experiences within this lens, and they start to make a lot more sense.

    I wrote more than I expected, thank you for joining us on another episode of whose sexuality is it anyway
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  11. Misty


    View attachment 40809

    I don't need to clean anything up because I don't leave **** all over my desktop like most of you filthy animals
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
    I've only ever taken one online course so I can't speak from much experience but I never even had to take exams, it was all papers. That might be because it was in the social sciences but still.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty
    Accurate, though I've been asked if I'm "not from around here." I say y'all also because I spend way too much time on the internet, but typically is 'you guys' around here.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    It's probably an easier call to just not visit the south, full stop. Stay up in the godless north, where we have cold weather and are a touch less conservative.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Misty
    My music taste is the first thing that comes to mind. As a child I was mostly into pop-punk and some hardcore (I'm sure a few people here remember my Rise Against phase), and I do still partake when the mood suits, but it's opened up to things I never thought I'd dig when I was younger. I always knew I liked electronic stuff, but most of the ambient, hip hop, dream pop, and freak folk would have been quickly discarded ten years ago.

    I also thought Star Wars was for nerds... then I saw it and we all know where that landed me
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  16. Misty
    I took an online class (EDU 201) last semester (maybe? not totally sure lol) not really knowing what to expect. I was hoping it meant that we'd just have the entire curriculum open to us and we simply had to complete everything by a certain date. I understand now why that wouldn't really work given the emphasis placed on replying to others' discussion responses -- if everyone procrastinated and didn't post until a few hours before the class ended, then you'd have nothing to reply to -- but it was honestly way more structured than I was anticipating. I'm sure it varies from professor to professor but we basically had something due every 2 or 3 days and then the topic would lock out, so if you were busy you were basically **** out of luck. My professor also didn't put up a proper syllabus nor was she easy to contact (or helpful when you did) which hurt the experience as well -- I usually didn't know we had several (long!) papers due until maybe a day or two before.

    It was also very frustrating trying to reply to other people's discussion threads when they were basically just regurgitating the textbook, which again will vary from class to class. I ended up replying to the same two or three people every week.

    If it's a throwaway class you're taking just to satisfy an open credit requirement it probably couldn't hurt, but I do somewhat regret taking a class that's so important to my major online.

    Basically just know what you're getting into. It depends a lot on the professor and the people in the class, as all classes due, but be aware that they can be very structured and very time-consuming.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Misty
    Right now this is more of a style issue than a problem with the spoiler tags, as they are controlled on a style-per-style basis. I'm not really making active changes to the present styles, but I'll keep it in mind when I do the spoiler tags for the upcoming styles.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. Misty
  19. Misty
    OH BOY. I've been seriously considering grabbing a 2DS considering how cheap they are. I'm not really one for Nintendo so all I'd really be playing on it would be Dream Drop Distance, Animal Crossing, and of course Pokemon, so I've been stuck deciding whether it's worth it for me to hold out for the new 3DS... but these designs man. I had the original purple crystal GBC so there's some definite nostalgia going here.

    You have a 2DS, right Tale? How do you find the form factor? I know I should really hold one for myself but I've grown so used to the foldable DS design.
    Post by: Misty, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  20. Misty
    Podcast podcast podcast

    After taking the last week off, your podcast hosts @Misty and @libregkd are joined by @Calxiyn and @Peace and War to celebrate the recently passed N7 Day, a special celebration of all things Mass Effect!

    Before we kick into that, we address some changes coming to the podcast -- namely noting the departure of our host @Llave from the team, and how we'll be filling his seat, as well as some schedule changes for the coming weeks. We also discuss some Kingdom Hearts news, the most important of which is the announcement of the new Kingdom Hearts Collector's Edition pack with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5.

    From there we geek out about Mass Effect -- be warned, spoilers are rampant! We cover what's been announced thus far about the next entry in the Mass Effect series and what we want to see in it, the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition and how that will affect Mass Effect, BioWare's in-progress Shadow Realms project, the ending of Mass Effect 3, the possibility of a Mass Effect trilogy remaster, and more! As expected, @Misty waxes poetic over Knights of the Old Republic and her Liara love affair.

    We go a bit over time with Mass Effect, but stick around for some quick user-submitted questions! @Graxe conducts an insect survey, @Plums commits Question Fraud, and we pull out Table Topics once again!

    Please everyone listen, enjoy, and leave us a comment!

    View attachment 40799

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    Thread by: Misty, Nov 11, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects