LOL!!!! I remember that!!!! I did say "I am a tree" I just had a laugh attack from read that *sigh* Good times....Goood times.... Mine... ummm Playing pwer ranger with my friend Robyn in the back yard my mom walks out and shes like "Erm....I not gonna even ask"
Thanks!! ^.^ (five more words)
I am in the purple the person on the right is me best friend My pets!!!!
Omg!!!!!! Your Back!!!!!! Ayayayayayayayaay! *hugs*
slap him and steal his cookie! broke your leg?
I <3 cloumbus day... We dont have school!
remember form we went to midevil times for the filed trip? well ant way yeah its the only one , i'll post it with a big black squae over your head -edit just saw the pic you post at frist i was like "i dont walk with you in the mornin'"
Black hoddie black shirt blue jeans and converse!!!
Thats me though....jk I'll post a pic later I hAVE TO CUT Misty and my other friend out if it 1st
Aww he's so cute....I mean evil he's denfitly evil, no doubt about it. (jk)
The people I would want to meet: ... (lol jk ) Roxas General Gervouis(sp) Rikku Mish Sara cronoking roxas_is_hot
8/10 *giggle* rate mine rate mine!
I want a baby chimp!
I would get a time machine duh! XD what would you did if sombody stole your cookie?
I would beat you XD if met you in real life? -Edit- Whoa we both posted at the same tim 0.o
10/10 GRILLS! Erm yeah it roxs
lol yours is funny 10/10!
umm I already post it use the seacrh or your eyeballs...
I'll miss you......*crys*
Omg hi. umm welcome back?