I think pichter(spellin)
Shut up..... After Misty forced me to listen to thier songs I liked them!
Well I live like a hour away form Manhatten so the loacl new channle was playing it and now its on the national news.....
Chocolate.....I <3 chocolate.....and pocky I <3 pocky I am algregic to laffy taffy. More candy Crunch M&Ms Hershys Kissables skybar
A Plane said to be Regitered to Yankees Player Cory Lidle Has crash into a Manhatten Apartment building. They think Lidle was piloting it when it crashed and he is now dead. More info comeing soon.
ok *hands a ticket*
See movies here! NOW PLAYING! [SIZE=-1]1. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The Departed[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]2. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]3. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Open Season[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]4. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Employee of the Month[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]5. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The Guardian[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]6. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Jackass: Number Two[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]7. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]School for Scoundrels[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]8. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Jet Li's Fearless[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]9. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Gridiron Gang[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]10. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The Illusionist[/SIZE] 11. Open season
(WALIKNG HOME TODAY WITH MISTY AND FRIEND) Element: *Pushes friend in road and pulld her put quicky* SAVE UR LIFE! Friend: evil... Misty: *laughing* Me: Thats what you have to get used to when you walk home with us
Hmmm My aunt my cousin my friend grandma a golfer and one of my teachers daughters not that much xD
a wangdoodle
>_> Wow lots of funny moments (At the kida local pool with misty our friendwho will be called giggles and me) (In the kiddie pool) Misty: (babbling about some thing) *Little baby carwls up to gigles* Element: You got a friend! *little kids crawls and jumps on gigles* Misty and Element: *laughing*!!!
Close on the first one.... heres another (misty and I were hyper) Element: WERE YA GOING!!!!!' Misty *turns around just stairing* Element: YOU LOOK LIKE A CHIPMUNK!!!!! *falls off chair* Another: We just blew water bottle in science and me and Misty were REALLY hyper Misty: *takes out paper and draw and then throws it at me* Element: *looks at pic of a water bottle exploed with "it went caplluiey" on it * Element BOOM!!!!! *THROWS IT MISTY!!!!* Another Misty: *jumping up and down saying :quack:* Element what are you doing? Misty: Quack!!!!
I want a cocobo thingy!!!! (i didnt spell it right)
You can put my name and i was gonna post that.....>_> Me and Misty on aim Misty: Can I borrow $200? Element: and why? Misty:.... Misty: I wanna buy a keybalde...>_>. _____________________________________________________ (Me and Misty walking home) Me: *push misty off the crub and pulls her back on* Me: SAVED UR LIFE!!!!!! Misty: >_>?
Kakashi. One word. Awsome!!!! ( word word)
Great work dude! I give you a 8/10 on all!
lol funny (4 more words)
You always were that hoody (lol i took heather out of the pic...)