poetatoe .....
320 erm ducks.....?
If you died and you could have any song played at your funeral what would it be? me: Welcome to the black parade
351- super-flying-lemons-that-eat-purple-people-eaters-that-like-to-eat-people-flavored-ramen-with-spinkles-at-12:00-in-the-morning!
What do you mean he stole the videos?
282 potatoes...
A usb thing or I have thing at home its called "pc relocateor" it move programs,files,bookmarks,prefs,and shotcuts you want on your new comp. "easily save a backup of your old pc for added insurance" and its by "alohabob" company thingy but its.... $70.00 at best buy that all came off the box under neath my desk
I hate my name it is Amanda nickname: frodis (dont ask..)
my try :elementt W00T
He got banned?
IT WAS THE SHINNY SPRAY!!!! >_< Outside in the cold sitting on a bench outside teh school ELement:*talking bout sothing to other friend looks at misty* Misty: Hum.......................................... Element: what the heack are you doing? Misty: Meditataing,.......>_>
Lucky.....I want to get one instead of a ps2
OK hands tickets
>_> *giggle* Me and MIsty in study hall ----------------------------------- Misty:*english howork* *starts laughing* Element:Glares *starts luagh* Study hall teacher: Wtf?
I found an acrtical http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15223650/?GT1=8618