I feel old...and what about pogs? I used to eat pogs. >.>
Try to keep the gory-ness down t a certain level. I split my head open on a bird bath at one of my best friends house.
Mom: (after givng me all me books i got 4 christmas (i got 20 books) )"your not make wish list on barns and noble or get more books Me: 0.o ------------------------------------- my 2yr old cousin was over Me:*laying on the floor* Little cousin: Nonnie(that on of the 3 names he calls me) what are you doing? Me: laying on the floor... LC: oh..... I am gonna sit on you now *sits on me* ------------------------------------------------------------- At movie nite ...-I HAVE A BELL-LAY -------------------------------------------------- Aunts house new years: Aunt: heres and pot to bang on Me: what happens if the neigbor like shoot at use? Aunt: your weird
I got: A video camara DDR fuzzy socks my whole wish list from barns and noble I <3 3 read
I Am A Dionsuar!!!!!!!! Rawr!!! ....
... o0oElemenTo0o575: ITS COMCASTIC! AngelsInFlight94: O.o o0oElemenTo0o575: 0.o o0oElemenTo0o575: it looka likea owl AngelsInFlight94: Okayyy... AngelsInFlight94: Or, allow me to quote Sora. "Okayyy." o0oElemenTo0o575: YOU LOOK LIKE A OWL!!!!!!! AngelsInFlight94: :'( o0oElemenTo0o575: RAWR o0oElemenTo0o575: *GIVES COOKIE* AngelsInFlight94: "And I spent all last night. Tearing down..." o0oElemenTo0o575: THE WALLPAPER! AngelsInFlight94: Huh? o0oElemenTo0o575: "And I spent all last night. Tearing down..."THE WALLPAPER! o0oElemenTo0o575: lol AngelsInFlight94: Tearing. As in crying o0oElemenTo0o575: can drinking ten cup of water get you high> o0oElemenTo0o575: ? o0oElemenTo0o575: To0o AngelsInFlight94: I don't think so. Me and misty on AIM
they didnt have elmo :-: so i got her a clown with sora-kun taped on it a fairy and a 60th b-day one (shes not 60)
489 waffles
471 ...erm... MINI MOSSES!!!
444 *gasp*
ermmmm............................. 371
I have a cow
369 and 5 golden rings!
i am in it right now but noboys in it
I wish i had 327 bucks!
MY WII!!! >_> <_< earth-monkey
322 smiles
Guys, you really have to stop with Mish, now it just getting creepy.