Welcome to Kh-vids...bacisly what every one else said post lots, erm...... dont spam.....and dont light anything on fire! XD
*sigh* Well, we tried... He will be missed greatly ;-;
wooo My I-pod 2 of them are mine 1 is mah friends
This is a thread idea that me and Roxas_is_hot came up with upon finding out the Roxas was leaving Post reason why you don't want him to leave. My reasons He livens up the forum He helps people He is a grate mod Grillz XD He is funny He is a good friend He made KHVR And thats just a few reasons... LEt see what everyone else says!
Bye...*snifff* Why is everyone leaving.....Oh Well.... You can tell you will be missed.
Ok *dances with Hissora* ...now what? ......I want cookies lets make cookies!!! *gets cookies stuff*
*poke* Why dont you...................dance? *dances*
On Instant Messageer ME MISTY FRIEND Human SACRIFCE! ... Wtf? : what the heck hey that's my line! Lets Sacrifice Heather! *Finding Nemo Chant* I don't want 2 die ^.^ *pushing Heather off cliff* YAY! I want 2 get married and I want James' 3 kids o.o SunxBabe225: I <3 James Sacrifice Sacrifice Sacrifice Sacrifice! I hate u *Sacrifces James* Sacrifice Sacrifice Sacrifice Sacrifice
I was so happy! NAruto isnt so annoying any more!
Hmmmmm........My Talent is TUNEING OUT THE WORLD
Age: 13 Name: Amanda Nick Names: Kid with the hat, Frodis , Amanda 2 Why you chose you KH-VIds name: My friend called me "Kid with the ELement shirt" Best friends- Robyn-chan Allyissa-chan , Madi-chan Hanana Friends- Cassie(different one) Wesley, Nicole , Emily Anna, Adin,, NIcole , Nicole, Nicole that moved to NC Jesse, Jesse Blue(MIke) Kenny (diffrent one Misty) Kathlean ,Lexie, Sexi Buckets Harley , Coutney more the I forgot Interests & Hobbies: Anime , Drawing, Thinking Reading , being a kid , being bored , Youtube , Sheep , Hanging out with my Twin-zee the insanely laughing child the biting child The ermm...yeah... and the Dancer and her BF Movies & Shows: Naruto ,Extreme Makeover Home Edition Spirited Away , Raisng Helen , Full house , X-Play , Invader Zim Music: My chemical Romance, Rise Against , Breaking Benjamin ,Lost Prophets Orange Range Books: Naruto Graphic novels and Kino no Tabi Ramdom Crap Kakashi rox <3 Sasuke is a emo child Sakura ish a flower Naruto needs his mouth taped closed Lee needs a hair cut and a eyebrow waxing Gai needs...to....erm lots of things Jirya is a super prev Haku is a boy ,no girl no, boy ,no girl..NO BOY NO NO WAIT GIRL! Garra needs a hug <3 Neji isnt the only speical one Hinata needs respect Shikamaru is a chuin?!?! Cassie is a ninja Andrew is a ninja I ish a ninja Wesley is a ninja Now for my inner most thoughts Most of all MY BUDDY ICON OWNS!!!! Ramen is kawaii Japanesse music make me want to dance... Math is baka I like to ramdomly burst out in Japanese Hugs burns us I love ramen I am a slight Kakashi Fan-girl Cassie is a Sora-kun fan girl *runs from cassie* I will play DDR untill I pass out I am typeing this as I have a 99.9 fever... I like lists
CHAT ROOM [14:48] <apocalypse> yep [14:48] <HAETWritingEssays_Sock> Mmkay thanks. [14:48] <apocalypse> which means, wiiplay is coming out tomorrow [14:48] <element> Yup [14:48] <element> You have a wii? [14:48] <Melba> Great...Wii stuff..... [14:48] <element> I ould tread my bird for a Wii [14:49] <Melba> I would rather have a burrito and I soda. [14:49] <Melba> *a [14:49] <element> O.O [14:49] <Melba> A...not I....>_> [14:49] <Kurama> BURRITO?! [14:49] <Kurama> soda?! [14:49] <Brewster> BURRITO?! [14:49] <Brewster> soda?! [14:50] <element> BURRITO?! [14:50] <element> soda?! [14:50] <Melba> Yes, I would prefer a burrito and soda over a Wii. [14:50] <Kurama> That... was... weird. [14:50] <Kurama> .-.
Thats awsome....I want a Wii even more now...
Well, if you want all the extras like a custom domain name its cost money but if your dont want all the extra stuff it is free [NO ADVERTISEMENT]
Pret-tay! Erm...Tis a good sig thou shall keep up thy good work?
In tech when me and Misty were erm....paying attention to the movie me: whats on your shirt? Misty: I dont know ME: It looks like weed.....
I listen to Orange Range
Best Friend BY Toy Box Youhna- Houki Boshi
I love it =3. I WANT IT! I am wearing a GIR hoodie right now!
Study hall Me:*steals Misty care BEAR key chain* Misty: give it back! me: *runs to kid* do you have a calculator? Kid: yeah here *Misty tackles me* Kid: O.O Kid 1: O.O Kid2: O.O Misty: No body takes mah care bear! Wesley: O.O Me: GIVE IT BACK!