Hi and welcome to the forums! To download cutsecnes you got to the main page for Kingdom Hearts 1 cutsenes click this link http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=khcutscenes and click down load one the one you want,save it to a foldar and for amv help pm ... for Chain of Mem. http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=comcutscenes and do the same for KH2 http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=kh2engcutscenes do the same If you need any other help pm me!
No I dont. I stop likeing GIR when ever I want.... What? Stop staring at me! *gir doll falls out of pocket* Ok I addmite I do have a obession with gir. -Anyway- You sigs rock dude! I am gonna steal the gir one...
Sup dawg? Welcome to the forums!
Or orange! zomg Door hinge!
Welcome back! *runs in circles* (quack)
lol I saw photobucket in the coner and iknew it wasnt true i wish i Twas