Nth degree - morningwood
My spelling is much better, so is my grammar. I found out to explain things better. People that Have influenced me: ... Roxas_is_hot Roxas Sara
It was funny, I would have watched the whole thing too, but that song annoys the hell out of me.
Just ignore,hurting yourself inst goinh to get you anywhere
I am afraid of: Clowns: Bad childhood memory Gunshots: Yeahh... Basements: My brother scared me when I was in the basement when I was little Thunder and Lighting spiders ---------------- Misty is afraid of my blind dog XD
Name: Element Pic: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f348/.../?action=view¤t=kh-vidsyearboookphoto.png Caption: "Erm.....Toire wa doko desu ka?"
My brother got his taken out. Eat lots of ice cream.
>..< that sleepover with the exploding soda bottle that Robyn knocked over.
Pikachu looks like its dancing.
You know how to make people look like Harry Potter with eyeliner XD XD XD ---------------------------------- http://www.ehow.com/how_157_apply-eyeliner.html http://www.tellmehowto.net/howto/apply_eyeliner_36 >...<
Wendys! I get a Jr bacon chesse Burger and A baked potato
Me and my cousins got banned for being noobs XD
You did it again XD 3389
That was awsome......*dances*
Yeah...Dont stab your eye out ....erm...I dunno I dont wear makeup ....
erm...You...never mind 3386
Its Landing probably....
Welcome to kh-vids! Post lots dont spamI would remcomd the you dont give out as much info as you just did, its not safe.