Get some f'ing breakfast maaaaaaan.
Well I honestly saw this one coming.
This is truly a terrible day.
1 get. Edit: Well I was only 7 off
And the sig was removed in seconds.
>Implying that anyone on staff does shit other then CtR DOHOHO
You said it yourself, society's problems come from an individual's personal problems. Which in turn come from the society that raised them to have those problems. It's a vicious cycle and a chain that can be stopped starting with the individual.
Hot. Congrats.
Maybe we should stop investing so much ****ing money in prisons and start trying to make a magical probe brain, if you truly believe that's the ONLY way to get into a person's head. It's stupid to prolong a problem that could be solved once and for all and eliminate the dangers of a killer from every existing in the first place!
Nothing will ever change if you don't try. But no, it's fine, let's just except all of society's problems, because the final solutions are too hard.
Maybe in the case of people who go out into the streets of small towns and kill their neighbors because they don't like them. But it's hardly ever that simple. Any murderer has motives that run deeper then any court can fully understand. And sure, by killing that person, you've stopped him from ever murdering again. But every murderer is replaced with another. Obviously death does nothing. To find definite solutions to the problems of crime it'd be better to keep a murder alive and analyze what brought them to do what they did, and make sure no one else is presented with the same circumstance. It'd be more affective and more progressive for society as a whole to eliminate the source of murderers, not the murderers themselves.
I've heard worse. And what makes it any different then killing a man for his past misdeeds? It's the same logic, just different words. Any person who truly believes that death is the only solution to the problems of crime is the same person who has the black and white sense of morality that compels them to hate murderers and love babies, despite the fact that both are human beings with the same potential to do terrible things.
If you're going to kill someone over their potential to kill or kill again, then why not just kill all babies? It's very possible for them to grow up and one day be a serial killer.
Seems a bit hypocritical.
I still haven't seen a Hand with Vag get on it.
You could just ask for them again.
Might wanna destroy the chatlogs since they serve absolutely no use.
I see what you didn't. Ms Admin.