Mmm, you hit the nail RIGHT on the head. Cause as we all know, Fox News is full of intellectuals and rebellious comedians.
V2 is gorgeous. (I seem to be the only one who LOVES your shit to death.)
Gonna watch FMA, DBZ, and Shangri-La, then whatever else /a/ is fapping over mid-April.
As if you didn't already. :u
Screw Indonesia. Too much history. Ivory Coast it is!
Flipping a coin. Heads, Cote d'Ivoire, tails Indonesia. Edit: Indonesia.
I need to do a report on the history of an Asian/African/South American country between 1980 and today. And I can't pick a country since there's a lot of them.
Wow guys you didn't make that ANY easier.
A random country. GO.
Keepa is the best Keeper ever,
Perhaps a 5 is in order.
Don't be a rapist.
Back off the lady.
I wanted to see how long I could win for. I'm not exactly the King of Gets, either. That was pretty rare.
Rape is not in my heart today.
Screw it, someone else try... :/
Speak with her, suppress yon levels of power, young padawan. Edit: Holy fuck.
Head outside! Edit: Well fuck year.