He's dead, Jim.
V1 > V2 Add a nice thick border to V1, then leave it.
Mine basically clusterfucked about 20 minutes ago. I turned it off, turned it back on, everything was fine.
And let's face it, a voice is not necessary for success in music. It certainly helps, but is inevitably superfluous if you don't have the creativity to back it up.
Actually, the economy is based on sales, and if people aren't buying, there's no sales, no sales equal a recession. The only way to fix an economy in our situation is the BUY things and stimulate the markets. Spending money frivolously at this point is in people's best interest. However frivolous buying a computer truly is.
It's also April fricken 1st. And this virus, whether or not it's real, is a blatant act of terrorism. It's meant to scare people, and **** if I'll get scared of some abstract feed of data controlling the box I enjoy staring at for hours at a time. It's spring. A Virus is what we need.
Which is actually pretty nice. All you have to do really is reconfigure and BAM, new computer.
So I heard Lil Wayne was murdered this morning.
Because 1 virus MIGHT infect your computer, MAYBE?
I don't have it, so if I just turn it off, it'll prevent me from getting it at all.
Well, guess I'll have to just throw this computer in the trash later.
post acting like an asshole Editing to stop the censors.
Where's the giant squid? I'm disappointed.
Yeah that sig is 2 years old, and I got it off photobucket, where it was probably ripped form a Deviantart. Aka that stock is ye olde. I know all...
Sorry what was that? Too busy putting the gameboy in my sig last night.
lol'd for some reason.