This means I win, you know that right Gwen? :3
Thats what I was thinking lol. I always start running out of monsters on strong enemies. I might go one way and then turn the other though. I figure I only need like a good 10 levels of Iron Maiden before I can go and start getting those Blood golems for extra security~
I has no clue what I am talking about either, I just never made a poll before. Or at least not in a really looooooooooong time o:
Im level 11 and I start thinking, maybe I should actually concentrate on certain skills. So should I go for the mass army of summons and raised creatures, or should I go the path of the Iron Maiden and make Diablo rue his birth?
*clicks approve*
I still need me those power gems~
Those Patio burritos taste different, or is it just me? o_o
I just started up a new necromancer in Diablo 2 and his gold is over 9000! 8D
Because change causes fear and distress in humans. They cant bear to have their view about someone changed from their usual impression of them~
Puberty :"3
Im so lucky Disgaea 3 is coming out here 2 days before my birthday. I am gonna totally obesssively listen to that free soundtrack~
It is in Japan~
Well I think we all need to brainstorm and figure this out......or go wait for Disgaea 3 o3o
What is 'Kingdom Hearts' ?
Jay to da E to da El to da El to da why-are-you-so-awesome Natz?
Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken! God I hate projectile spammers in Street fighter xD. Or any fighting game for that matter. Especially ones that lack any dodge moves or super jumps.
I was watching that earlier. It sucks that he's so easily beatable now. He's supposed to be super scary and badass D:
Kuraudo? Nani wa desu ka?