So how have you been lately? o:
I dooooo >:
Love you HB <3
Oh look, its as creepy and disgusting as you are. I kid. How are you? 8D
Silly, the prems get PM'd that. You get PM's asking if you're a mod.
I wanna make the skin.......Lime green and yellow and piiink.
I prefer this skin cause its so pretty <: *vomits*
Sweet, I might actually get RockBand 2 now. Now if only someone can release some J-rock songs, then I'd be a happy meatsack.
You mean Gary.
Pinja ftw 8D. But you forgot your Cutana (cutlass + katana) x3
I did :D Like a year ago But congrats on your accomplishment too o:
PANTS. Come on, you know it was a good idea. Mull that over for a while.
I always love your jammies and uniform x3. Daaw, you look so cute :3. Im loving the haircut <3
Well now im confused, cause my english friend calls cookies 'biscuits'. So which is it already? D<
lol, no. Spore isnt doing anything relatively new. Its basically an in-depth version of SimEarth combined with E.V.O. People will most likely have fun for a while and then start wondering what game they're working on next. Only loyalist will play it for a long time. The only interesting part will be the space part, as much games already have done things similar to the other stages (cell stage = flow, city part = civilization/simcity, etc). And if the space prototype reflects on the final version, it'll be pretty fun~
......Yes >_>
I thought I was the only one o: Wait, if we have the same eyes then......QUICK, WHAT KIND OF ANIME AM I WATCHING?
So its almost like where I live now, except colder. Now I wish I could fly o3o
Take me with you Angel D:
Nice, I havent seen you since those pictures with your fuzzy hat 8D. Was the fun time fun? :3