Silly lil Nat, you look quite down, with your big fat eyes, and your big fat frown. Dont be a stranger now ;D
See you in a week <3
Pancakes are better.
Ew, another one? And at the same site lol.
Well the songs have lyrics under them, and it isnt too hard to pronounce the words. I hope rip slyme is in it~
He took you too? >:
Awesome, I shall be all over that one. And I saw that Microsoft announced their intruments will be cross-compatible too. So its a win for everyone :D
I came also.
It sounds nice, but if people cant be bothered to look through a sticky, I dont see why they would look through dozens of individual threads.
Yay, so I got them im the right order. And I agree, they arent that great o:
Biscuits > Coulour > Boob?
Eff me too? ;D
In Halo.
If it makes you feel better, we dont know you either.
You arent scary, just inhumanly cute as a button.
And next you should change Sabby to SexMuffin. Yes? 8D
I might get scared. Can I bunk with you? <:
Well that sucks. And this rain is totally a *****. Its been raining since 6 am here xD.
Is Neku gonna start washing hair with soap too?
You got a raise and fired at the same time? Or are you just having that back to school rush?