I went to school with Dan Marino.
Awesome MSN convo was awesome. I think we scarred Misty though x:
If there are hot asian guys, im in <:3
Topless referee meeting?
Pants, k?
I dont know about PAIN, but Uncharted and a 160 GB harddrive sounds nice for those people who like to go for the best when buying a console. I'll probably just get a new harddrive though since I already have a ps3 and my 40 GB hit the halfway mark. Damn you tempting demos. *waits for people to post about the lack of b/c even though a ps2 would just be cheaper* <:
I also have the original fat PSP and while there is nothing significantly wrong with it, other than a few dead pixels, this new one sounds like a good time to trade up. Im sure I can sucker a family member to buy it for enough to get me this new model~
Patriots and the Cronos.
It must be good for you to actually post here :3
Its quite easy to decide. Just vote for DPWolf :3
Still going on about that? xD
Gimp. And as for tutorials you can check up sites like guildinn.com or the forums at planetrenders.net.
I beat up an emo kid Why do girls bring their purses to the bathroom I blew up my dog I must say, the world of 8 year olds is sure a strange one.
Oh, I thought you saw kitty's face. That almost made me destroy my monitor. Just kidding kitty. You know you're a cutie <:3 *glomps*
Zomg! You're a girl?!
1337 points for kitty =3
No, you fail with that too <:3 And didnt hissy have hers here? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=40804
Yes, he very much did~ Kitty made things fail again O:
DPWolf ftw.