night people see ya in a few days
"glad you like it" Which reminds me i gota go and fix the training room downstairs after the accident i had today occ hey listen i gota go soon and i don't think i can get on for the next few days because of easter vaciont so i am going to have to do a LOT of forum reading when i get back
occ see met me lol well one of my charaters any way
coughs still sorry "glad you like it only one rule do to recent ahhh myrrh activities no going in the sugar store room"
ragnos is now officaly angry lol starts attacking mist with his keyblade
"War is about dieing Phisoxa but they both died for you ..... so don't let that go in vain i have a promise to keep to him to keep you alive"
"yes come with me your room is done" and walks him to his room that is filled with generates and open electricity along with the usual bed room stuff also there is a wide window "If you need anything else for your room it should take care of itself
occ read previous post plz
Ragnos summons *his* keyblade back from phisoxa "i wouldn't let you do that now would i " he asks
Xainkar passes nebx in the hall laughing and then aproaches Myrejex and Tynoxahn I will have your room done soon it was being built for you before you arrived
Goes over to phisoxa and sets a *diamond* down beside them "don't worry doxyc is coming with me"
occ oh sorry phisoxa if you thought i was still mad about that no i had to go do my chores lol any way am back now Ragnos followed them in step apearing out of his portal on the way to the battle
there is no fight randon got killed by a nuke
a nuke flys and kills ansem and every one is happy
i point blank refuse to participait in this thread any more ......
ragnos raises his eyebrow looking at the man on the ground changing he readies his keyblade to stab him if nessicary
ragnos apeared again out of the twilight portal and walked up next to them without saying any thing
occ The Key of Destiny just about everyone is secretly except for like phisoxa but that is too confusing
Ragnos looks around and seeing he wasn't needed at the moment opens a twilight portal and dissapears "til next time phisoxa"
ragnos charges at rondon and with his keyblade cuts his arm off that he is holding doxyc bye occ who let him join