"empty so this is how a nobody feels I can see why they want there hearts back"
"axel he feels nothing like i do....."
"i want to die .......... or go far away so i will never have to look back" said farrow closing his eyes his head against the tree "no one would care"
farrow leans against a tree and falls asleep wishing he was still dead and he had never been hurt like this
farrow doesn't care about anything anymore he walks away from the others feeling alone "i can't fight" he said "there is nothing to make me strong"
farrow slowly walks over to the others not sure of anything anymore and still holding back tears
farrow slowly gets up from the ground wiping his eyes
the darkness desperses and farrow is back to normal but he is on the ground crying
farrow "i will eleminate my oponents they have betreyed me and my cause" summons heartless and sends them to attack
farrow breathed hard "i remember everything now i was a warrior of the darkness and almost killed phisoxa I am back i am the darkness and i shall kill them"
Farrow looks up with red eyes "no i am not farrow i don't want to be him I am the darkness and i will destroy anything that gets in my way" farrow summons his dark diamond keyblade readying to attack
farrow looks down "its not true.... none of this is...it can't be"
".............. I see " farrow turned and started to shiver thinking the darkness would be better now anything would be better
turns to look at Nuthura "mom? ................................................"
farrow says "that kid Moegiro"
farrow says "the keyblade of ??? Phisoxa who is he?"
farrow wakes up slowly and looks up at phisoxa "what happened to me.... i can't remember ... just the dark"
farrow in his sleep looks at the person who made the voice "i am out of the darkness but i am to far from my light"
farrow collapes and lays on the floor in a deep sleep the last thing he says is "was I forgoten?"
"phisoxa what is going on ..... I was dead... and before that evil.... Are the heartless gone? Did we win the war?"