"Takarnax is right soon i will travel and bring animals here for the purpose of atmoshere and scenery and livestock" said xainkar "Rahux i am the trainer of all new nobodies soon we shall start lessons to develop your power" Myrejex when you get done with the frame your mission is to recruit your cousin and have him do the wiring of the castle i am designing a power source and chamber as we speak occ Kingdom-Fan98 the offer still stands to join the organization in case you didn't read my pm
occ sorry Rahux the castle isn't built yet just the world
Xainkar looks at the new comer "I am xainkar second in comand of the organization and this is our new home....... what is your name and gift?" Xainkar rasied his hand and snaped his finger and Rahux had an organization coat and guantlets of explosion come out of nowhere set down before him "welcome to the twilight guardians they are a gift from me" occ alright any one have sugestions for our new world? "myrejex when you are ready take the matrials and start building a metal frame for the castle remember is is going to be several miles long but it should not be too difficult a task for your abilities
Xainkar looked around "does one of the members of the org can cook maybe myrrah can ...... i hope" [i need a position for her anyway] "xainkar looked at Takarnax and X good job you too lets go see what the world looks like as they went down into a world that had a large black sky with a full moon in the center and at one end of the sky there was a seting fun and at the other there was a raising sun it was always like that and the planet had large forest and an ocean and desert plains and tall mountian they found a large clear area miles long directly under the moon "this is where the castle should be built"
occ thought that was the crap we didn't want in this thread Xainkar bent over slightly exhausted from his eforts remember making a world is no small deal "Takarnax need your help seal the core!"
at the end of the world xainkar used his power to rip off peices of worlds and bring them to a spot amoung the worlds chosen were parts destiny islands traverse town twilight town , hollow bastion and the world that never was and with X and raxen to help they started to morph the world together with their powers "Takarnax use your keyblade to stabilize the core"
Xainkar turned and stared at X "you can come and help you are nessicary for the worlds completion as is the supior who will place the world in space" Myrejex is he will build the frame work of the castle with the metal once we make a world
xainkar took myrejex into a gumi ship he had found and they left and traveled into open space til they reach what is left of the "end of the world" xainkar said "to begin we need to take the heart of a world and then build around it " occ be sure to check out the list my above post
Xainkar looked at the supior then said "i will start creating the world for the castle i will need some help myrejex your metal skills will come in handy during the constrution" Note if you have any issues with your postion pm me oh and newer members your number may get moved back slightly if some people from the old thread join but not likely and extreme noobs from old thread hold there place 1-4 senior members 5-8 junior officers 9+further = noobs well at the moment any way No. 1] Name: Raxen Position: leader [No. 2] Name: Xainkar position: second in command head of training new recruits [No. 3] Name: Takarnax Position: battle master [No. 4] Name: X Position: head of investigations [No. 5] Name: Myrrh position: not sure yet [No.6 ] Name: Myrejex position: castle construion [No. 7] Name: Nebx position: gardener [no.8] Name: Zanxe [no.9] Xajita [no10] name: Rahux
occ actually this is the first any of us are meeting since the attack we were all separated when the planet was destroyed by our ememy so yah we are still trying to get some coin and riku rep not sure this is a good thing we have around 10 members and almost non of us felt like posting today "I guess it has been two years [not like that matters that much since we do not age] Xainkar then laughs at the others attempts to make some munny similing saying "I am sure that is one way i choose a different route stealing valueble artifacts and selling them" btw: on a final note the numbers are coming soon
"two new members good better than i expected" occ your numbers are coming as soon as i update the member list with your number i will probably assign you a position in the organization too btw if any one is here and feels like posting our first mission is geting enough money to buy somewhere we can live in otherwise i will make it a trailer and that wouldn't be so cool since we have 1o members so far
only a half acuarate picture of the weapon but i think yes sickle and chain spike sums it up
here it is i have two of them and they have spikey weights at the end night all
occ i am done for tonight see ya tomarrow on the new thread you guys finish this fight tonight
the nobodies started attacking myrrh pelting her with there weapons and attacks occ for those who haven't signed up the new thread is there
well at least 4 people survived the battle lol check out my new weapon its awesome
notice occ i have started the new thread we will just finish the battle on this one but the new thread kinda gives away what happens i encourage all members to resign into the organization if you are will too the nobody soldiers advanced on the castle shooting balls of energy into the palace making it unstable and ready to collapse
It has been two years since the destrution of the Place of the Dawn and Xainkar escaped the onslaught of the forgoten Nothings and after wandering through out worlds he is prepared to restart the Twilight guardians and he is looking for new and old members so the nothings can once again rule the universe He also seeks anwsers to the mysterious beings that attacked his palace and killed many orgaization members note I am only looking for people to join this that like rping a lot and that will post on this thread regularly and will take this semi seriously and not make any random or stupid plot changes I encourage members from the original thread to join you can use your old nobodies from the other thread Template for members Number II [i give this number too you depending on your rank] Name: Xainkar title: The dark muarader apearance: organization coat that has black chains wraped around it and long dark hair with dark purple eyes element: darkness/shadow weapon: two dark bladed kusari-gama http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusari-gama nobody type that you summon:maurader nobody [if you don't know yet i will tell you later] personality: Moody
Xainkar apeared with a flicker of shadow and said "all of you get out of here now! it will destroy you" As xainkar said this the whole castle seemed to be under attack and everything was being thrown into a swirling mass of darkness and energy "go" with that Xainkar left behind his weapon and org clothing and dissapered
occ going to bed i guess not really doing anything here