"..................." farrow turns his back and goes to find the rogue keyblade master "how could she" he muttered under his breathe
occ opps "alright, phisoxa can you tell me who is the kids father?"
farrow dives inbetween phisoxa and roxas guarding her then he slashes at roxas "i won't let you hurt her"
we should be getting back i will buy some sleeping bags for tonight we can all sleep in floor one since it is finished occ looks like we are done until more people get back
farrow catches up with phisoxa "is that ...... Roxas"
farrow follows phisoxa knowing that soon he will have to face the truth "i am alright just a bloody nose lets go help the others"
xainkar looks at him "i was once a great scientist of my world studying it til i found a door to darkness and opened it killing every one including my family" he finishes his bowl of ramen then asks for more
wiping the blood off farrow charges at laxene killing her with the keyblade "thanks phisoxa i guess i should go you have no need for me now you have your daughter"
farrow attacked laxene making her drop the knife "blizzard" he yelled "let her go" then farrow was stabed by one of laxene's knives and kicked in the face farrow collasped on the ground geting up with a bloody nose
xainkar and raxen sit at a ramen shop [like the one in naruto] " so" xainkar says "how did you become a nobody? and have you heard i my story" Xainkar then takes a big gulp of ramen and wipes his mouth with his coat sleve
farrow runs and follows phisoxa closing the portal behind her so no one could follow
farrow starts hacking at marluxia with his keyblade finally stabing him in the chest and the nobody fades away farrow yells "where is Nuthura?"
farrow charges at marluxia and attacks him with his diamond death keyblade "fire" he shouts as he doges his syeth
xainkar grabs his stomach in hunger and looks around "i am going to get friggin take out i am starving" He teleports to go buy ramen noodles in twilight town
farrow runs down the castle to the prision chambers looking for Nuthura
xainkar walked over and looked at the future-to-be castle "hmm i wonder how long this will take.............. Does anyone one how to cook I am starving" occ well it couldn't be fully complete but lets say we have one floor done
xainkar teleported behind nebx "talking to trees again eh nebx" he looks around at the forest then leaves
farrow follows dante and phisoxa with out saying anything
Xainkar said "acaully i knew you would do that [no seriously i did] it isn't cheating its called being smart and it would have been stupid if you had done otherwise"
farrow stayed with phisoxa ready to help her get her daughter back and hoping he could talk to her at some point