the xainkar clone takes out the kusari-gama and starts off with a slash aimed at phisoxa's arm "good myrejex where is your cous he still hasn't signed up"
xainkar leaned against the tree and then summoned a clone of himself "here is the routne i attack you with a clone the same strenth as you and you fend it off and beat it if you can" the clone summons his kusari-gama and readies to attack her
"sorry master spiking your ramen was to much of an opertunity to pass up" said xainkar "so you can fight can you use your element in battle"
Xainkar says "injore the supior i put something in his ramen that made him a bit dizy hehehehe so how well can you fight" xainkar says starting to summon his weapon
Xainkar was bored so he started making technology for the castle waiting for phisoxa's reply for training "alright then" he leads phisoxa to a river bend with a small valley in it where he recently trained Xajita "how well can you fight?" he asks
occ i treat element like abilities in kingdom hearts as items that can be given to a person Xainkar shows phisoxa the castle being construted and says "i am sorry we only have one floor built so it might be a bit cramped oh and would you like to start training?"
occ alright but i only have half an hour more tonight yay spring break no myrejex she only has one she changed it Xainkar looked up at the knew recruit phisoxa "so now you have your element, your coat and your weapons, I am xainkar second in command of the organization and i train the new nobodies like you in the art of combat
alright i will take that one and it stays
occ ok deal maybe i can convince zanxe to change his element to earth and change his weapon too so it is not a katana but doubt it
twilight is excelent was what i was originally going to take at the begining of this thread but i liked darkness better alright now we have that pain out of the way we might have to do weapon tinkering to the troubles never end stupid zanxe has to have a katana to would you like help thinking of a new one
occ sighs really sorry but gonna have to ask you to change element agian i figured out we have another person with lightning:( sorry if this is a pain but its hard to get everything straitend out
occ i know my computer is being slow and i can't edit posts fast enough ack and damn it we have three nearly identical elements shock lightning and neon Xainkar holds up his arms "welcome to the twilight guardians sorry at the moment the acconmidations aren't much" he said looking at the fast structure of frame work that only had one floor done at moment
xainkar noded "alright phisoxa" he snaped his fingers and at her feet was a box filled with organization robes and a katana
Farrow jumps and putting all his energy into the keyblade staps the rouge knight then farrow stumbles and falls down
occ alright lets see Space darkness fire time explosion existense neon electricity metal force and plant life are taken i suggest: water ice earth wind or one of those would be appreciated we are running low on nature elements
alright just remember we are nobodies and have elements so don't forget to find yours
together phisoxa and farrow use a powerful limit that knocks the knight back into the wall occ: cool i will pm you info about the story since our first thread filled a hundred something pages
farrow runs at the knight jumps and hit the knight in the head with his key blade occ: phisoxa want to join the twilight guardians
Xainkar teleports back to the unbuilt castle with a bunch of sleeping bags "man that ramen is good stuffs" occ la sofa at last sign up please
farrow attacks the knight but knows inside he is not strong enough any more