Did Santa dropped by today? What he do if he did?
How many animals did Moses put in the ark?
Lol Rosey, what an efficient way to show your Christmas Love
Lol, am I an exception?
32828 Dun Dun Dun!!!
Sorax (Now)= Sorax (then)
VGNxRosey = Babies with 11 toes
Mhm, hands down
People don't lie, you really are pretty
I give a **** about my grades...cause if I don't, I always think of the worst-case scenario, like a hobo begging for spare change while eating cardboard in the alleys of Los Angeles BTW, what grade you get?
Boy, XP lawl
You need to, lawl eerhT-ytnewT
each keyblade focuses on different strengths Fenrir on Physical Strength and Ultima on Magic For me, I use both, since I balance my attacks with physical and a magic combo
Oh well...and true You lost me....
Sarcasm is teh win
But it's temperature we're talking about, right, so shouldn't it go down?
uhhhhh.....negative 2...?
What about sarcastically random?
Then you're genderly confused
Lol, joo have been hack'd