I know *feels guilty* o_O
32907 Death Note!
wow......ohhhhh you drank Vodka, now you're gonna die...*remembers world domination plans*
I'm not really sure, but I think it's common mistake between on what you thought was related.
So in a nutshell, they're pulling out ads due to in-demand and they needm ore money to raise units up.
Similar to Sora's wooden sword, regular things do not affect heartless or nobodies, yet the keyblade alone specializes in killing them. the Keyblade holds a special ability that could only kill those. But this explanation breaks when you notice that there are other weapons that could kill them (i.e. Goofy, Donald, etc.) So I guess since we're talking about KH is that maybe Sora's heart wasn't pure enough at the time in destiny islands.
He lives after but suffers from loss of brain. I wish Kingdom Hearts was actually a planet. (XP)
32905 It's like watching detailed failure stick animation
Anti drive form theory?
32900 IMO needs to die, I mean seriously
Yes we know Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell are part of the characters of the movie but apparently the show is not related to the movie.
WARNING: Stupidity at large ahead
32895 I enjoy anime!!!! and they're not horrible, except for some failed dub attempts.
Hmmm...now that you mention it, it does. But there was one time I actually got a high value card, I think it was an 8 kingdom key card
32892 Let's just go with You hate animals being killed but you like the torture of your own kind to be tortured and battered to death.
You get it...but you bought on ebay so it's broken I wish for cookies
32888 The Number Of Cookies!
I guess you could say that the 100-acre wood was a filler world. It really didn't mean anything other than just giving you free stuff.
Dr. Phil.....-_-
32885 XD lawl