Wow, it's so rare for me to be in this section But anyways, welcome to KHV Like always, obey the rules or be doomed...XD post a lot and stay active well that's all I have to say DEATH NOTE RULES Okay I'm going
Do I need a new username? if so, what would it be then...?
Is it me? /fillerz/
I beg to differ I think it's Death Note = Bleach it has shinigaminess so it's gotta be equal Please don't kill me... But anyways, I can't wait for episode 6 to come, I can't wait to hear L's British Voice and see his face at the same time, it will totally not mix!
I guess it's working...
and you call yourself a man I don't wear sweaters during winter, I just wear what I usually wear.
I would give everybody cookies, and make spam post count