It's not Death Note enough
ah....the song that really doesn't turns anybody all
It really gets a bit dull after you played it for like....the 100th time.
Do me, and I'll do you, my way! you've joined the group. Did you use paint for this?
^ define "band in".....XP @ ~Muffin~: CPR DUMMY, LMAO. and you really munched up that chip....the only thing I could munch up whole is an oreo... @ O R A N G E: fun...... he, I made a drawing of this, which you already knew before I even said anything -_- oh and btw, you look very...uhhh...a more better word the pretty....let's just go with beautiful. @ Kingdom Glory: OMG, my computer suddenly had the ability to have emtions, and it's first emotion was to be intimidated after seeing your second pic But anyways, I lawl'd at the second pic.
I'm adding two more entries for today!!! VGN: boondocks video game, ftw Oh and here's a little surprise for ya, since I have few requests coming in, I'll just try and get who I could find with a pic and just for now, I'm doing all people who first posted in this thread (Except for people with pics already, xD) Unfortunately, I couldn't find all the pics of every individual, except for one so far ORANGE: Lol, see if you could guess where i got that pose.
The forums in there will never be better, like it's so boring and dumb in there
an epic legend.... EDIT: RVR is also everywhere.
I was about to ask the same thing....
This Roxas 2 will someday reign the galaxy in which we know as KHV....DUN DUN DUN!!!!
32985 Woo!
I think an experiment would be fair, but i think it's fair for the staff to do it, so just in case it fails.
^ THANKS! OMG BUMP-eth I drew new ones, and most are just redos TCO: I didn't necessarily drew TCO posing, but I had the crazy idea of a comic book page, Although this looks a lot of work (I blame my homework) But anyways, here's my idea of it Kitty V2: Hehe...since the last pic never really made much sense, I just made a new one...with CAT EARS!!! Madiyasha: OMG!! I totally enjoyed drawing this...I'm not spoiling much of what it is, you better see for yourself
I don't even get why this became a sticky.
Can't wait for the MUSIC...the hopefully's gonna be REALLY SOON!
32913 Just a bit...not "A LOT"?
ohhhh....violent 32911
SUGAR OBSSESION!!! *manages to eat an entire bag of sugar*
32909 Which is?