But you do this to her at night.
Ris hates Vannesa with a passion. XD
You're just as bad as Bin Ladden. XD ^ Here's a more recent GIF of Vannesa:
^ Probably did it with MJ too. XDDD
So true. XD
It's her true body. she's also featured in this: She's the fat Shi! on the right
So does the director of HSM. But nobody batches about that. Roxma:
I'd rather it be Lee. :(
Talking love rules. :3
Isn't it great? =D
Disney's gonna get a suein' if they do.
Yeeaaaah! I've never felt so happy. *throws bananas at Roxma* I could go out and bomb my school right now! XD YAH!
This has made my day.
Link I hope she gets fired. No more HSM = a very happy Ris.
Oh my god, she's fired?! JESUS CHRIST THANK YOU! :D
Wish granted, but they would all corrupt by the time they reached your room. I wish there was more Roxas. :(