I love you all too. :3
omgwtfbbq XDDDD
I can't find any more slap GIF's. D:
My pardons. Maybe this'll clear things up? Of course, I'm not a purple haired man...
XDD I've been owned. As seen in this GIF. Note that allisonlove90 is Stewie. >.>
Ris is nice indeed.
Mine? D: D:
I knowz. FULLEUZ
AYEEE! ROCK LEE ROCK LEE ROCK LEE OMG YEAAAAH! I wanna lick his eyebrows. o'(^_-) You mean like that? ^
Ris dislikes poker. -_-
Your mom's a owl .-.
Ris is flooded with guilt.
BLLLAAARG! I'M SO SORRY!!!!!! -GOD DAMN. That happens every time I make a joke like that. Christ... -_-
While your dad watches.
Your mom does it at 3:30. >O
I like eggs.
Post, batch. D<
I like potatoes.
The ending cracked me up. Let's send Bush some pretzles. XDDDDDD
Exactly 5.3258736503 + pi of you know how to make Gaara suck the stain out of my pants with his lips.