Why am I never in these? D:
I feel so special. I've yet to get a warning. :D
I don't think a hacker hacking into a hacked forum would help at all...just make it worse. Don't you have like, an admin to fix the problem?
Sexyback- JT ;D
In before lockage.
Gai-Sensei is my Gai-Sensei in life too. @_@
I say yes for a subforum in the CC.
A hacker? I really don't think a hacker would do any good, dearie.
I served fried eyes with this post. @_@
No, but I heard 4Kids tried to get their grubby little hands on it. People are freakin' out about Naruto being "too violent" and "teaching their kids violence" and crap like that. I think all the sassy talk about the show is getting them fired up. My god, if you think it's too violent, DON'T WATCH IT. Goddammit, use your heads! But thankfully, Naruto belong to Viz, (or something like that.) I'm not going to complain about the VA's because I think they all wrock. XD
Ewww. XDD /fillerz/
My strawberries. >.> *flings a rotting one at crono* Ignore the worms.
I had a dream I was pregnant. It was great! I craved strawberries. =D
Can I have some cheese?
No hon, I think you mean 4Kids ruins anime. They've been known to ruins anime's like One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and everything else. (Except Naruto, thank god. >D) But luckly, I heard they've gone bankrupt, so maybe the terrorism that's occuring to our anime's will stop.
Because the pot in her system tells her all the daily answers. Why doesn't a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Yes. It's algebra. Can I go to bed now? And take Lee with me?
If there's this thing called a "foot" in it... Can Neji make pies?
Yeah, if you can grow wings. Will I ever get a hug from Gai-Sensei?