You have to physically do all that, too...on the lips. See if it creeps her out. xD
that would help to lol. Send her my love...hugs, kisses, and all. xP
You must train harder, young grasshoppah! xD Ah. Still sick?
lol ouch. Did myu play with you?
Cool. I haven't played Tekken in years...
That's good, I guess. What happened with you, today? I'll be on yahoo in a bit, I got a couple of things to do, first...
ish; had a lot of bad dreams on the subjects we talked about, last night. Other than that, yeah.
So, how are you, today?
No, I'm sorry...about earlier.
I never call her, so I don't know this.
Have you not been able to call her?
I didn't know she was sick. What from?
How's myu doing?
Thanks............ you mind if we talk in pm?
Yeah...I noticed. Looks like a reboot had to be initiated on the site.
...hey. How are you?
There's only one thing worse than a Justin Bieber 3D movie: A Disney Justin Bieber 3D movie, that eventually comes to a Kingdom Hearts game. With Bieber as a summon/partner. me out here, what's the method to getting rid of fevers, again? Is it 'starve a fever, feed a cold', or 'starve a cold, feed a fever'? So, in order for the Bieber fever to possibly end, we either have to starve him to death, or stuff full of so much food he explodes.
Hate to break it to you, but college is full of more people like you described, with more work. Trust me, I know.