Your waiting might have been a 'cooling off' period for her, which resulted in much confusion. Another part of it may be that you two are still... want my opinion, as to why it happened like that? Me being the casual, nonprofessional observer? xD
Coolness. :)
You want to talk about it, over pm? I've got time.
What's been stressing you? Yeah, I know that series; my brother's mad about it xD. Watches it every Saturday when it comes on.
It goes, sir. What's been going on with you? XD
...I'm a little disappointed, actually. So much lacking...
This thread shall live again!!
So, tell me, when do you guys think this family should apply for statehood?
Meh, forget it.
And the grince said, 'g'dap!'
Eh? What for?
xD seemed like the thing to say.
There just weren't a lot of good options xD
It was either that or gutter wash. ._.
Bread and butter club members, UNITE!
*walks slowly towards with blowtorch*
...hey, I'm back.
*tickles* *bangs on site with wrench*