She tried to run away again.
Alexa felt acword sitting there.
Lament started to get pissed off. She grabbed his hand and dragged him along the grass farther into the woods.
Lirxa twirled around to look at him, then started running away down the halls.
" Whatever." Alexa said turning back to the mountains.
" Would you shut your mouth!!!!" She said in a loud whisper.
" I really don't know. Maybe because your new to the whole vampire thing and I felt bad for you, or maybe it's something else. I can't tell." She said.
" You aren't welcome here." They all said at the same time. " Please excuse him. May I finish the ceremony?" Lament asked. " No you may finish it tomarrow." The middle spirit said. " Thank you. May I leave?" Lament asked again. " Yes be on your way but we expect you here tomarrow." She said. Lament walked over the water onto the grass near Thorn. " You're lucky they didn't decide to kill you!" She said in a loud whisper.
OOC: Well personaly I don't want to kill anyone and I don't think that she would either but I think I have an idea.
" Why what?" Alexa asked looking over at him.
" Thorn?" Lament asked surprised. " What are you doing here?" " You know this man?" asked one of the spirits to Lament. " Uh yes." She said still staring at Thorn.
Alexa stayed slient watching the mountains.
OOC: Awwww I'm having a brain cramp. I can't think.
" We have a visitor." The middle spirit said. They all looked into the forest where Thorn was hiding. Lament turned her head in that direction.
OOC: Yeah that's what I was thinking.
Lament ran through the forest untill she got to the mourning grounds. Thirteen beautiful ghost spirits were waiting on the opposite side of a small pond. " You're late." The one in the middle said to Lament as she walked into the clearing. Her voice was so soft and gentle it was like velvet. " Yes I'm sorry, I fell asleep." Lament said as she walked ontop of the water of the pond, onto the oversized flower in the middle where she got to her knees. " We do not want excuses." Another said, her voice was just as soft as the others.
OOC: kk now I just have to think of a plot for her to use it. hmmmmmmmm
" Would you like me to leave?" Alexa asked softly, she wasn't sure if he had even heard her,
Lament suddenly remebered that she had to do the closing of the mourning cerimony at the end of the day, she hoped it wasn't too late. She started running through the city towards the forest.
OOC: Oooooohhh right sorry.