" Ok first don't call them Old Hags." Lament said.
Bella's mom turned up the TV. " Wow, whadda know." She said. Bella heard the TV all the way from her room. " No way." She whispered and ran downstairs. Her eyes widened as she watched. " I killed him." She thought.
" I don't know. Well it might be because you tried to help me before so I decided I wouldn't kill you. For now anyway." Laments said.
OOC: Sorry I havn't posted in a while. BIC: Bella stared at the Death Note. " No way, this has to be some kind of prank. There's no way this thing can actually kill someone." She suddenly got an idea and ran downstairs. " Mom where's the newspaper?" She asked with a rushed voice. " It's um over on the counter. I was going to throw it out, why?" Her mother asked suddenly suspicious of why she would want the newspaper. " I need it for a project." Bella lied. " Well ok." Her mother said and turned back to the tv show she was watching. Bella hurried over to the counter and got the newspaper. She flipped through the pages quickly untill she found what she was looking for. It was the man that had recently killed four woman. They had a picture of him in the paper. She ran back up to her room and shut the door. Then she flipped open the Death Note and slowly wrote down the name of the man, thinking about his picture. Then she sat back and waited. " There's no way this will work, I'm just being superstitious. Falling for a prank."
" That's what I thought." Lament said turning and walking away.
" So you got bored and desided to follow me around and almost get both of us killed by ancient spirits?" Lament asked being a wise @$$ , which really wasn't like her.
" Why?" She asked surprised.
OOC: Yay!! lol
OOC: lol kk BIC: " I guess." Lament said with a sigh. " So why were you there again?"
" No only I can fix this. Thanks though. Wait a minute why are you suddenly being really nice?" Lament asked suddenly suspicious.
Bella was starting to get freaked out while she read the book. " It's so real." She said. Suddenly she noticed one of the names. It was a man that had died of the same reason that was listed in the book. It had been in the newspaper. Her eyes widened and she closed the book quickly trying to think.
" Good you should be. This is going to be really hard to fix." Lament said sighing and slowing down thinking about it. OOC: Sorry i gtg
" I don't know why they didn't kill you? Or why I'm not killing you now." She said as she stormed off.
Alexa chuckled and kept walking.
" GOOD!!!" She yelled in his ear.
Lament kicked him, but not all that hard. " HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!" She yelled.
Alexa stood up and walked away. " Don't push yourself." She said before she left.
" Lirxa." Is all she said then she stepped through the portal.
Lirxa tried to telleport away but she couldn't. " Damn that Max." She muttered.