" What do you think I should do with it, and before you answer that. Who are you?" Bella asked.
Lament ran through the forest. She had to find Ren to tell him about the attack.
Lament chuckled and bent down next to him. Then looked around when she heard the voice.
" I don't know. I just got it." Bella said.
" I told you. It was a thank you. For you know. Trying to help me." Lament said. OOC: sorry i gtg one of my friends is here.
" I don't really have any plans for it." Bella said. OOC: Sorry if I double posted, I can't tell. This comp it messed up.
" Fine I'll get you your freakin apple." Bella said and went downstairs to get him an apple. She came back up and threw it at him. " There ya happy?"
" How and why did you do that?" Lament asked chuckling.
" Just so you know I'm not exactly the killing tipe. And we have some apples in the kitchen." Bella said, still thinking she was going crazy.
" You could try and forget that you ever saw them. Because you really weren't supposed to." Lament said.
Alexa watched them from the shadows.
" Ok then I'm going insane. And why do you want apples?"
Lament grabbed his arm. " No! I was born to do this. If I don't, they die, the forest dies, and I die."
" Uh mom I'm ok, I must have just imagined it." Bella said, trying to get rid of her mother. " Oh um ok but if you need anything I'm just downstairs. ok?" " Ok." Her mom walked back downstairs to watch TV. " I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming." Bella whispered to herself and layed down on her head.
Bella's mom heard her scream and ran upstairs. " What1?! What is it!?!" She asked her. " There's something in my room!!" Bella said breathing hard from screaming. Her mom slowly went into her room. But she couldn't see anything. " Bella there's nothing there." She said. " Yes there is I saw it!" Bella said going to look for herself.
" Well I kind of am a slave to them. In a way." Lament said. " I represent the people in mourning and worshiping the spirits. It's not the most fun job, but it has to be done."
Bella kept screaming and tried to run off. OOC: Awww man oh well. lol
" I really don't think there's anything you can do." Lament said. " But thanks though."
Bella screamed.
Bella walked slowly back to her room. " I can't believe it." She said as she walked back into her room.